}if(isPrint) {constlink =window.URL.createObjectURL(toBlob(pdf.output('datauristring')));constmyWindow =window.open(link); myWindow.print(); } callback &&callback(pdf); }) } AI代码助手复制代码 需要打印部分 AI代码助手复制代码 vue 全部代码 <template>入库单打印报表入库单...
ERROR in Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'providers' in null 出现这个问题的原因是,在...
Hi, I have a component that looks like this - But when I print this, I get this in the print dialog - I am using bootstrap grid with react (which uses flexbox). I am using the library like this - const deliveryOrderTableRef = useRef() as...
If you change the className='printtest' to style={{ color: 'red' }} the color is retained in printing. Also note, this example does use bootstrap.css and I have removed anything related to @media print from boostrap.css. The probably is the same no matter what solution I try: extern...
我们知道浏览器有一个window.print()可以调起浏览器自带的打印页面的功能,它会把当前文档的body生成一个PDF进行打印,最新在业务开发中就使用了它来实现了一个局部页面打印的功能,虽然看起来很简单,但还是遇到了一些问题,例如:1. 微前端场景下的样式丢失 2. 尾部预留空白页 3. table重复打印tfooter等问题。直接跑...
1. 使用浏览器自带打印功能,页面样式全部丢失,而且我不希望把整个页面打印下来 页面样式丢失主要是IE...
Print the content of a React component. npm install --save react-to-print Demo Usage import{useReactToPrint}from"react-to-print";import{useRef}from"react";constcontentRef=useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);constreactToPrintFn=useReactToPrint({contentRef});return(reactToPrintFn()}>PrintContent to ...
React-to-print是一个React组件,用于在浏览器中打印页面。它提供了一个简单的API,使开发人员可以轻松地将任何React组件转换为可打印的格式。 使用react-to-print打印页面的步骤如下: 首先,安装react-to-print依赖包。可以使用npm或者yarn进行安装,命令如下: ...