Getting started is easy. Visit theKendoReact Text Editor Getting Startedarticle for an easy step-by-step tutorial. All you need to do is install the NPM package, add the component to a page, and set desired properties! Don’t forget tosign up for a trial. This gives you a 30-day lic...
An npm package (text editor) for react with parser to save content to database and render using provided function. The package provides options for bold, italics, underline, add link, justify content, undo, redo and 6 headings. - jash139/text-editor-reac
The most widely used package manager to install libraries (read: dependencies, node packages) in the JavaScript ecosystem (and therefore React) isnpm, because it comes with every Node.js installation. However, yarnyarnandpnpmare great alternatives. Especially the latter comes with a greater performa...
CKEditor 5 has an official React integration that you can use to add a rich text editor to your application. This guide will help you install it and configure to use the npm distribution of the CKEditor 5. CKEditor 5 Builder In our interactive Builder you can quickly get a taste of CK...
npm install react-lz-editor --save Version note: React 15.4.2+ and react-dom 15.4.2+ is required. Antd version at last 2.8.3 in your project is recommended. 版本号说明:react、react-dom 版本必须在15.4.2以上,Antd版本最好在2.8.3以上。
Open App.tsx in your text editor of choice and add chart samples from the quick start section. You can find more chart samples in our official documentation Quick Start Include the react-native-fusioncharts library as follows: The App.js file: import React from "react"; import { Text, ...
KaTeX is a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web, We perform math rendering through KaTeX. The following example is preview in CodeSandbox. ⚠️ Upgrade v2 to v3 d025430 npm install katex import React from "react"; import MDEditor from '@uiw/react-md...
npm install react-markdown-editor-lite --save#oryarn add react-markdown-editor-lite Basic usage Following steps: Import react-markdown-editor-lite Register plugins if required Initialize a markdown parser, such as markdown-it Start usage ...
// install Jest and testing-library npm install @testing-library/react jest @types/jest jest-environment-jsdom --save-dev // install babel and its related plugins npm install @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react @babel/preset-typescript babel-jest --save-dev // install ...