importAnimatedTextfrom"react-animated-letters";<AnimatedTextbetween={15}//Amount of ms between each letterdelay={200}//Delay for the entire animation to start in msoffset="100px"//Offset for the intersection observerthreshold={0.2}//Threshold for the intersection observer>Hello world!</Animated...
webbydevs/react-animation A lightweight and easy-to-use NPM package that enables React developers to add basic on-scroll animations with typescript support to their web applications. With just a single component, you can bring life to your UI by implementing engaging floating animations.Installation...
<Animatable.Textanimation={fadeIn}>Fade me in</Animatable.Text> Combining multiple styles to create a zoom out animation: constzoomOut={0:{opacity:1,scale:1,},0.5:{opacity:1,scale:0.3,},1:{opacity:0,scale:0,},}; <Animatable.Textanimation={zoomOut}>Zoom me out</Animatable.Text> ...
⛷ CSS Animation for React. Contribute to react-component/motion development by creating an account on GitHub.
}.animateItem{color:white;font-size:36px;font-weight:bold;height:128px;line-height:128px;position:absolute;text-align:center;-webkit-transition:all 1s;/*TODO: make this a move animation*/transition:all 1s;/*TODO: make this a move animation*/width:128px; ...
比如我在工作中,项目中的某一部分组件是通过npm来引入的其他组的组件,而在很多时候,我有需要动态的去个性化这个组件的样式,最直接的办法就是通过原生JavaScript获取到DOM元素,来进行样式的修改,这时候就会用到标签类型。 来看下面的例子: document.querySelectorAll('.paper').forEach(item =>{...
网页中经常会见到一些动画,动画可以让产品的交互体验更好。 一般的动画我们会用 css 的 animation 和transition来做,但当涉及到多个元素的时候,事情就会变得复杂。 比如下面这个动画: 横线和竖线依次做动画,最后是笑脸的动画。 这么多个元素的动画如何来安排顺序呢?
This is a list of AWESOME components. Nope, it's NOT a comprehensive list of every React component under the sun. So, what does "awesome" mean? Well: It solves a real problem It does so in a 🦄 unique, 🦋 beautiful, or 🏆 exceptional way. (And it's not super popular and we...
通过npm安装react-native的方式添加一个React Native项目 第一步:创建一个名为RNHybrid的目录,然后在该目录下添加一个包含如下信息的package.json: { "name": "RNHybrid", "version": "0.0.1", "private": true, "scripts": { "start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start" ...
npm run start 1. 可以看到,box 会在 2s 内完成 width 从 0 到 300 的动画: 此外,你还可以不定义 duration,而是定义摩擦力等参数: const width = useSpringValue(0, { config: { // duration: 2000 mass: 2, friction: 10, tension: 200