而使用React Testing Library编写的单元测试还是可以正常运行的,因为它更加关注应用的事件处理,以及展示;而非应用的实现细节,以及状态变化。更加符合我们对于单元测试的原本诉求,以及最佳实践。 可遵循的简单规则 也许上文中使用React Testing Library编写的单元测试示例,还会给人一种一头雾水的感觉。下面,让我们使用AAA模...
Testing Library vs Enzyme React Testing Library 的 API 明显优于 Enzyme,不至于陷入细节,是用于测试 React 应用的一大利器。前端 UI 组件测试的最佳实践,使得我们可以使用它来更有效地测试组件。 代码语言:javascript 复制 import{screen,render}from'@testing-library/react'test('should show h1 title',()=>{/...
renderWithRedux 是一个封装函数 网上应该有用到的。但是我现在已经全用第一种去做了。但数据这么传过去 好像好可以。而且 @testing-library/react好像没有改state的方法 0 回复 Dell #1 微信dell-js 回复 2020-08-23 10:27:31 提问者 Aaron0128 回复 Dell #2 老师 加了 请通过下 · 回复 2020-0...
本文章使用React-Testing-Library (RTL)举例的内容可在NealXavier/React-Testing获取。 单元测试的意义 从经济成本上衡量,人员会流动,应用会增大,依赖手工的方式来应对响应力量的挑战是低效,从时间上来讲是不可能的。降低回归次数,提高经济效益。 检验代码是否是个好设计。毕竟在单元测试之前,肯定要实例化一个东西,假...
测试库:Jest with React Testing Library 实用程序库:JavaScript 国际化:react-i18next React 桌面:Electron 大型应用程序 样板文件:Next.js, Gatsby.js, custom setup 样式库:CSS Modules or Styled Components 异步请求:axios 或 Apollo Client 代码风格:Prettier,ESLint ...
You'll find runnable examples of testing with different libraries in the react-testing-library-examples codesandbox. Some included are: react-redux react-router react-context You can also find React Testing Library examples at react-testing-examples.com. Hooks If you are interested in testing a cu...
import React, { Children }from'react'import { render, queryByTestId, queryAllByTestId }from'@testing-library/react'import { Provider }from'react-redux'import { createStore }from'redux'import Beersfrom'../Beers'import { beersReducers }from'../../reducers/beerReducer'import { configureStore }...
When using Redux, we can test that our application state changes are working by testing that dispatching actions to the store creates our expected output. In this lesson we will run a few realistic actions back to back (as if the user is using the app) and then test that the state tree...
You may install other dependencies (for example, React Router) with npm: npm install --save react-router Alternatively you may use yarn: yarn add react-router This works for any library, not just react-router. Importing a Component This project setup supports ES6 modules thanks to Babel. ...