vite.config.ts fix path alias Oct 3, 2023 yarn.lock feat: created sample chat-ui Jun 25, 2024 Repository files navigation README Vite project template by malinatrash! Includes: React TypeScript Tailwind Redux ToolKit React-Router Motivation I have always been terribly excited every time I creat...
Vite react template with configured react-router redux-toolkit tailwind - malinatrash/vite-react-tailwind-template
import{defineConfig}from'vite';importreactfrom'@vitejs/plugin-react';//{plugins:[react(),],}); 5. 安装 Tailwind CSS 相关依赖 pnpm add -D tailwindcss postcss autopr...
配置-tailwind.config.js 配置index.css 创建plugin vitePluginStart.ts 配置vite.config 配置tsconfig.json 配置.gitignore 修改App.tsx 启动框架,测试效果 代码规范组件 - eslint + prettier + husky 安装 配置.eslintrc.cjs -- eslint 配置.prettierrc.cjs ...
When integrating with other UI frameworks like Material-UI, Bootstrap, or Tailwind CSS, there might be design mismatches or additional styling adjustments needed to ensure visual consistency. Less flexibility: Does not offer the customization depth of D3 or Visx. 9. MUI X charts This library ...
npmcreate vite@latest metronic-tailwind-react ---templatereact-tscdmetronic-tailwind-react 3 Install dependencies Install dependencies and devDependencies using the following command: npminstall@popperjs/core&&npminstall--Dtailwindcss postcss autoprefixer mini-svg-data-uri postcss-import postcss-loader postc...
Initialized (don't forget to rename my-project) npx degit owlsome-official/vite-react-tailwind-recoil#main my-project Go to project folder cd my-project Set up dependencies yarn Run! yarn dev Want some more ? see Vite Guide 🌈 Vite Template – Made with ️ by Watsize 🌈About...
Vite + React + Tailwind + Eslint + Prettier (for json) + Biome + React router This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and my custom ESLint rules (using ezlint). Vite config uses the SWC plugin for fast refreshes....
tailwindcomponents flowbite lofiui konsta Tailwind-Elements tail-kit vechaiui flowbite Merakiui 基于WebComponents 的组件库 众所周知 WebComponents 组件 适用于任意前端框架 shoelace-style/shoelace adobe/spectrum-web-components : Adobe microsoft/fast : 微软 组件模块 ⭐ swiper : 超级牛x 的 触摸滑块 ...
React mu admin, 基于 React18,TypeScript,vite4,antd4.x等相关主流技术开发,一个免费开源的中后台管理系统开箱即用的前端解决方案,也可适用于学习React时进行参考或练手的项目。 主题切换:普通、暗黑主题模式 Mock 数据: 内置 Mock 数据方案 用户管理:登录、登出演示、账号管理 权限管理:路由权限(动态路由)、组件...