Read about it here. styled-react-native - Advanced react native styling with simple method (style overwrites, component composition, enhanced style property). Full intro in this Medium article. react-native-tailwindcss - A react native styling system based on TailwindCSS....
tailwind-merge tailwind-rn tailwind-variants tailwindcss-animate Tedious terser-webpack-plugin Tesseract.js Text Mask Theme UI three.js toad-scheduler TS Node ts-node-dev tsParticles - TypeScript Particles tsParticles Full Bundle tsParticles React Bundle tsParticles Slim Bundle tsup tsx Turborepo Type...
react-native-tailwindcss - A react native styling system based on TailwindCSS. System react-native-firebase ★4192 - A well tested feature rich Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 10+ Firebase modules (including Cloud Firestore). react-native-push-...
🗒️ Note » Tailwind CSS has built-in direction modifiers e.g. ltr:pr-1 rtl:pl-1. The framework also supports logical properties, like ps-1 for padding-inline-start. What are the 2 ways of formatting in react-intl? Let’s review the basic translation message workflow as we look...
react-native-tailwindcss - A react native styling system based on TailwindCSS. System react-native-firebase ★4192 - A well tested feature rich Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 10+ Firebase modules (including Cloud Firestore). react-native-push-...
react-native-tailwindcss 72 A react-native style system based on TailwindCSS TVke/react-native-tailwindcss tailwindcss react-native Components: System react-native-firebase 6770 🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for...
C# Tailwind CSS Node.js MySQL MongoDB PL/SQL Swift Bootstrap R Machine Learning Blockchain Angular React Native Computer Fundamentals Compiler Design Operating System Data Structure and Algorithms Computer Network DBMS ExcelReactJS Tutorial ReactJS - Home ReactJS - Introduction ReactJS - Roadmap React...
In order to use Tailwind CSS’s icons, you must use this library. To utilise SVGs, you must download them directly. A complete Figma icons package is also provided so you may use them on Figma. Details Font Awesome Font Awesome was created in 2012 by Dave Gandy and is one of the old...
Starter kit with react-router, react-helmet, redux, redux-saga and styled-componentsdemo Next-js-Boilerplate 7k 24 contributors 05-04-2024 1 Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 14+ with App Router/Page Router, Tailwind CSS 3.4, TypeScriptdemo landy-react-template 1.1k 1 contributor 06-04-...
Gatsby.js provides various starter kits that include pre-installed plugins and configuration files for specific use cases, such as e-commerce or blogs. Next.js does not have the same level of starter kits available, although it does have a few popular ones, like Next.js with Tailwind CSS an...