react-select-dropdown denizyoldaspublished 1.0.3 • 2 months agopublished 1.0.3 2 months ago M Q P react-country-state-city React-country-state-city allows you to create a Select dropdown for countries, states, cities with search options.And also provide the option to create a language ...
import { DropDownListComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-dropdowns'; import * as React from 'react'; import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { useState, useRef } from 'react'; import { Query } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data'; function App() { // state DropDownList instance ...
react-country-state-city A lightweight and easy-to-use React library that provides a comprehensive list of regions or continents, countries, states, cities languages, and country phone codes for creating dynamic and searchable dropdowns. Ideal for building forms and input fields ...
cities: ["New York", "San Francisco", "Seattle", "Washington DC"],
作为一个简单的列表页面,上面的代码看起来没啥问题,但是我们通过图一可以看出,当获取城市数据并更新state时,整个页面都重新render了,这在中大型应用中很容易造成性能问题。 图一 我们对UserInfoList组件进行优化一下,把筛选区域提成一个单独的组件,并且把cityList状态从UserInfoList移动到FilterPanel中,代...
import Dropdown from './components/dropdown.jsx'; import {cityData} from './city'; var regionsData = (item) { return item.region; }); export default class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } state = { regions: regionsData, states: [],...
this.setState({ titleSelectedStatus: { ...titleSelectedStatus, [type]:true}, openType: type }) 1 2 3 4 5 FilterPicker 点击前三个标题展示该组件,点击取消的时候隐藏 使用PickerView组件来实现页面效果,获取到PickerView组件中,选中的筛选条件值 ...
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[City] ON INSERT [dbo].[City] ([CityId], [cityName], [StateId]) VALUES (1, N'Jaipur', 1) INSERT [dbo].[City] ([CityId], [cityName], [StateId]) VALUES (2, N'Jodhpur', 1) INSERT [dbo].[City] ([CityId], [cityName], [StateId]) VALUES...
mode = 'dropdown' selectedValue = {} onValueChange = {(value)=>{ this.onValueChange(1,value) }}> <Picker.Item label = '男' value = 'man' /> <Picker.Item label = '女' value = 'woman' /> </Picker> </View> ...
cityObject = () => { axios.get('/cities') .then(response => { this.setState({ cities: }); }).catch(error => { console.log(error); }); } My Formik form features dropdowns for both my city and warehouse.