React Simple Chatbot的核心特点 React Simple Chatbot基于React框架构建,充分利用React的组件化特性,使得开发者能够轻松地将聊天机器人集成到Web应用中。其核心特点包括: 易于上手:React Simple Chatbot提供了一个简单的API来定义聊天机器人的对话步骤,开发者只需几行代码即可实现一个基础的聊天机器人。 高度定制:通过JSO...
React Simple Chatbot作为一款轻量级、易于集成的组件库,曾以其简洁的界面和高效的开发流程赢得了众多开发者的青睐。然而,随着技术的不断进步,React Simple Chatbot已停止维护,这对于正在寻找或已使用该工具的开发者来说,无疑是一个挑战。但幸运的是,react-chatbotify等替代方案的出现,为我们提供了新的选择。本文将深...
React Simple ChatbotA simple chatbot component to create conversation chatsGetting Startnpm install react-simple-chatbot --saveUsageThere are several examples on the website. Here is the first one to get you started:import ChatBot from 'react-simple-chatbot'; const steps = [ { id: '0', mess...
Want to contribute to React Simple Chatbot? Awesome! There are many ways you can contribute, see below. Opening issues Open an issue to report bugs or to propose new features. Reporting bugs: describe the bug as clearly as you can, including steps to reproduce, what happened and what you ...
React Simple Chatbot A simple chatbot component to create conversation chats Getting Start npm install react-simple-chatbot --save Usage There are several examples on thewebsite. Here is the first one to get you started: importChatBotfrom'react-simple-chatbot';conststeps=[{id:'0',message:'Welc...
Simple React AI Chatbot based on GPT-3 or GPT-4 OpenAI models to chat with your data. This component provides hooks for chatbot interaction - sending and receiving messages. UI Styling is completely up to you! Chatlas.aiis used to set discussion context and settings!
npxcreate-react-appchatbot 然后,进入新项目:cdchatbot 3.1 步骤4:创建Chat组件 在src文件夹中创建...
react-simple-chatbot-demo- A simple chatbot component to create conversation chats. react-file-reader-input- File input component for control for file reading styling and abstraction. react-filter-control- The React filterbuilder component for building the filter criteria in the UI. ...
bot = ChatBot(prompt) next_prompt = question while i < max_turns: i += 1 result = bot(next_prompt) print(result) actions = [action_re.match(a) for a in result.split('\n') if action_re.match(a)] if actions: # There is an action to run ...
Build Advanced AI Chatbots With React – ChatBotify May 12, 2024Featured,Others,React Categories AnimationAudio & Video CarouselChart & Graph Date TimeForm FrameworkGallery ImageLayout LoadingModal NavigationNotification OthersSlider ScrollSocial