import{AsyncPaginate}from'react-select-async-paginate';.../** assuming the API returns something like this:* const json = {* results: [* {* value: 1,* label: 'Audi',* },* {* value: 2,* label: 'Mercedes',* },* {* value: 3,* label: 'BMW',* },* ],* has_more: true,...
异步加载选项:如果数据列表非常庞大,可以考虑将选项异步加载。当用户输入时,通过AJAX或其他网络请求方式获取与输入匹配的选项,并动态更新下拉列表。这样可以减少初始加载时间和内存占用。React Select可以通过使用react-select-async-paginate等库来实现异步加载选项。
react-select-async-paginate Wrapper above react-select that supports pagination on menu scroll react react-select async pagination vtaits •0.7.9•2 months ago•117dependents•MITpublished version0.7.9,2 months ago117dependentslicensed under $MIT ...
I have 50,000 items in my Select from react-select. I tried many things to improve performance: set ignoreAccents to false, disable onMouseMove and onMouseOver events and virtualization. But it's still slow. Taking up @lynxtaa 's idea, I found the react-select-async-paginate library which...
async getArticles(params: { page: number; pageSize: number }) {const paginationService = new PaginationService<ArticleEntity>(this.articleRepository,);const res = await paginationService.paginate({...params,options: {select: ['id', 'categoryId', 'introduction', 'title', 'creatorName'],where...
问Cypress或Puppeteer:如何使用react、select弹出/弹出/弹出测试页面?ENHTML代码 <div >原图片<img src=...
redux-connect - Provides decorator for resolving async props in react-router. axios-react - HTTP client component for React. Communication with server apollo-client - A simple caching client for any GraphQL server and UI framework. react-relay - Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data...
react-paginate-创建分页的ReactJS组件。 react-laravel-paginex-Laravel用ReactJS分页(可自定义)。 Markdown Viewer 显示已分析的标记源 react-markdown-将Markdown呈现为React组件。 Canvas 使用画布或SVG输入草图 react-konva-React Konva是一个JavaScript库,用于绘制与Konva框架绑定的复杂画布图形。 react-sketch-一...
async function runTestRoute (ctx, next) { ctx.body = 'Greetings, I am test route' }; module.exports = runTestRoute; Then, open your server.js file in the root of your app, and add the following line* (line 15 in my app) const Router = require('koa-router');...
但是jQueryselect()总是返回一个jQuery对象。 参见文档: 另外execCommand是depreacted,请使用新的剪贴板API: 然后需要用.join(',')...