先要引入Redirect import { Redirect } from 'react-router'; class Login extends React.Component { render() { const {isRegisterNewUser,loginSuccess}=this.props; const { getFieldDecorator} = this.props.form; if(loginSuccess){ *return (<Redirect to="/chat" />);* }else{ return( 这里放没登...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63690695/react-redirect-is-not-exported-from-react-router-dom/66985282 react-router-dom 6版本移除了 Redirect,用 Navigation 代替
yarn remove react-routeryarn add react-router-dom 引入完之后,要做的第一件事就是将所有原先引入react-router的地方都换成react-router-dom。 // 原先import { Route, Redirect }from'react-router';// 现在import { Route, Redirect }from'react-router-dom'; 坑二:不再用,要用具体的实现 在V3中,一般...
从‘react-router’导入{ Redirect };导出默认类ConfirmationDialog扩展组件{构造函数(Props){ConfirmationDialog(Props);this.state ={ redirect : false }} handleOnClick = () => { //一些操作...//然后重定向this.setState({ redirect : true});} render() { if (this.state.redirect) { return;} r...
当然,v4上 BrowserRouter 提供了 hisotry 对象,所以有了方法二.可以使用withRouter;API文档:https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/api/withRouter 1.路由代码,使用BrowserRouter ... import {BrowserRouter, Route, Switch, Redirect} from "react-router-dom"; ... const App = () => ( <BrowserRout...
yarnaddreact-router-dom 引入完之后,要做的第一件事就是将所有原先引入react-router的地方都换成react-router-dom。 // 原先import{Route,Redirect}from'react-router';// 现在import{Route,Redirect}from'react-router-dom'; 坑二:不再用<Router>,要用具体的实现 ...
What version of React Router are you using? 6.14.1 Steps to Reproduce With react-router-dom v6.14: Simply try throw redirect(url) and you will see that instead of redirecting the user to another page, an error appears. If you replace throw with return nothing will happen. Expected ...
React Router 是 React 应用中用于实现页面导航和路由管理的库。它允许你在不同的 URL 下渲染不同的组件,从而实现单页应用(SPA)的功能。 相关优势 声明式路由:通过声明式的方式定义路由,代码更简洁易读。 嵌套路由:支持嵌套路由,可以方便地实现复杂的页面结构。 动态路由:可以根据参数动态渲染不同的组件。 历史管理...
Read more about different history implementations in React Router. Alternatively, you can use a trick to teach GitHub Pages to handle 404 by redirecting to your index.html page with a special redirect parameter. You would need to add a 404.html file with the redirection code to the build ...
@ryanflorence do you think this is something react router v6 will support natively? We are also running into this issue. Crucial use case for us: if an API returns 401, token has expired, we want to redirect user to login screen with a message. We previously were able to do this prett...