这里是一个示例,展示了如何结合React Router的useNavigate钩子(或v6中的Link组件的to属性,虽然不能直接用于新开页,但可以用于获取目标路径)和window.open()方法来实现新开页跳转: jsx import React from 'react'; import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; function OpenInNewTabButton() { const ...
I see in issue #1510 you guys don't think opening Links in a new tab should be supported by react-router but I think I have an argument for why it should. One nice thing about Link is it's one consistent way across my codebase where I li...
In programmatic navigation, we can use thewindow.open()method to open the link in a new tab. Example: importReactfrom"react";functionApp(){consthandleClick=()=>{window.open("http://twitter.com/saigowthamr");};return(AppTwitter);}exportdefaultApp; Note: This above tutorial only concentrate...
New typegen provides first class types for route params, loader data, actions, and more. Choose Your Adventure: I'm new! Learn how to get the most out of React Router Start Here I'm on v6 Upgrade to v7 in just a few steps
Tip:实现的核心是 Router,以及 history 包。 需求:浏览器输入 /(http://localhost:3010/) 进入登录页,其他路径进入系统。 实现如下: 在入口页(index.js)中使用<Router history={history}>管理路由: // spug\src\index.jsimport{ history, updatePermissions }from'libs';// 权限、token 相关updatePermissions...
以外的的所有tab 重定向的时候也会自动展开侧边栏(路由表存在匹配的情况) 可拓展的方向有兴趣的自行拓展,具体idea如下比如快速跳转到第一个或者最后一个的快捷菜单等给侧边栏的子菜单都带上icon...的固定,不会给关闭所有干掉 --- 代码实现 RouterStateModel.js(mobx状态维护) Model我们要考虑这么几点侧边栏item...
"react-router-dom": "^5.1.2" Test Case https://codesandbox.io/s/react-router-vpj3i?file=/index.js Steps to reproduce Try to open this link in the new tab, state is undefined. <Link to={{ pathname: 'Topics/2', state: { referrer: 2 } }} > Topics </Link> Or <Link to={{...
Tab Scene (child <Scene> within Tabs) Drawer(<Drawer> or <Scene drawer>) Can use all prop as listed in Scene as <Drawer>, syntatic sugar for <Scene drawer={true}> Modals (<Modal> or <Scene modal>) To implement a modal, you must use <Modal> as the root scene in your Router. ...
Themain.jsxfile is the entry point. Open it up and we'll put React Router on the page. 👉Create and render abrowser routerinmain.jsx import*asReactfrom"react";import*asReactDOMfrom"react-dom/client";import{createBrowserRouter,RouterProvider,}from"react-router-dom";import"./index.css";...
路由管理:react-router-dom^6.16.0 状态管理:zustand^4.4.1 模拟数据:mockjs^1.1.0 模拟请求:axios^1.5.1 图表库:bizcharts^4.1.22 编辑器组件:@wangeditor/editor-for-react^1.0.6 markdown编辑器:@uiw/react-md-editor^3.23.6 请求进度插件:nprogress^0.2.0 ...