relative links - link to 指向的是相同级别的路由 import { Routes, Route, Link, Outlet } from "react-router-dom"; function App() { return ( <Routes> <Route path="/" element={<Home />} /> <Route path="dashboard" element={<Dashboard />}> <Route path="invoices" element={<Invoices...
import { Router, Route, Link, hashHistory, IndexRoute, Redirect, IndexLink ,browserHistory } from 'react-router'//导入组件import home from './page/home/Home.jsx'import Example from'./page/Example/Example.jsx'import about from'./page/about/about.jsx' <Router history={hashHistory}> <Route ...
}//导航切换NavSelect = (routerPath, index) =>{//动画 = (document.getElementsByClassName('c-sidebar__link')[0].offsetHeight * index) + 'px';//路由this.props.history.push(routerPath); setTimeout(()=>{this.setState({ docked:false})//修改titleif(this.props.lo...
BTW, I would strongly suggest to add a __DEV__ warning whenever a <Route> matches a path with leading / but is relative to a parent route. It took me a while to figure out why my absolute routes did not work while upgrading from v4. IMHO relative matches to a absolute link notatio...
[Upgrade to React Router v6](#upgrade-to-react-router-v6) [Upgrade all `<Switch>` elements to `<Routes>`](#upgrade-all-switch-elements-to-routes) Update `<Link to>` values Update `<Route path>` patterns Remove `<Route exact>` and `<Route strict>` props ...
<Route path='/web/search ' component={Search}/> <link to="web/search?id=12121212">xxx</Link> this.props.history.push({pathname:`/web/search?id ${}`}); 读取参数用: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 这个在react-router-dom:v4.2.2有bug,传参替换页面会空白,刷新才...
react-router-dom@4.3.1:react自家路由 react@16.4.2 问题有三,亦能解决 组件堆叠问题..就是再次进入路由切换的时候,之前的元素还没有消失,而新的组件渲染了,同时出现 堆叠问题,只能用脱离文档流来解决,所以用position:absolute来负责渲染区域即可 注意父层需要position:relative, 不然会一直往上找相对位置,实在找...
react-router - Remove <Link prefetch> warning which suffers from false positives in a lazy route discovery world (#12485) create-react-router - Fix missing fs-extra dependency (#12556) @react-router/dev/@react-router/serve - Properly initialize NODE_ENV if not already set for compatibility ...
context of a <Router> component.` ); let { basename, navigator } = React.useContext(NavigationContext); let { hash, pathname, search } = useResolvedPath(to); let joinedPathname = pathname; if (basename !== "/") { let toPathname = getToPathname(to); let endsWithSla...
to the app!</h1><li><Link to=".">Home</Link></li><li><Link to="about">About</Link></li>...<hr /><Outlet /></div>);}function Home() {return (<h2>Home</h2>);}function About() {return (<div><h2>About</h2><Link to='child'>about-child</Link><Routes><Route path=...