import { Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";//Routes =》 路由表//Route => 路由信息import { useNavigate } from"react-router-dom";//从首页跳转到login//语法: useNavigate() =》 返回值也是一个方法,这个方法有两个参数//Link => 相当于A标签//let routes =[//{path:'/',component:'...
react-router已经考虑到了这种情况,所以为我们提供了一个basename属性。为BrowserRouter设置了basename之后,Link中就可以省略掉admin了,而最后渲染出来的URL又会自动带上admin。 <BrowserRouterbasename="/admin"/>...<Linkto="/home"/>// 被渲染为...</BrowserRouter> getUserConfirmation: func 当导航需要确认时执...
BrowserRouter主要使用在浏览器中,也就是WEB应用中。它利用HTML5 的history API来同步URL和UI的变化。当我们点击了程序中的一个链接之后,BrowserRouter就会找出与这个URL匹配的Route,并将他们对应的组件渲染出来。BrowserRouter是用来管理我们的组件的,那么它当然要被放在最顶级的位置,而我们的应用程序的组件就作为它的...
当React 元素为用户自定义组件时,它会将 JSX 所接收的属性(attributes)以及子组件(children)转换为单个对象传递给组件,这个对象被称之为 “props” —— react 官网 Router 使用HTML5 历史 API 记录( pushState,replaceState 和 popstate 事件)的 <Router> 使您的UI与URL保持同步 ——...
If you are just getting started with React Router or you'd like to try out v6 in a new app, please see [the Getting Started guide](../installation/ The examples in this guide will show code samples of how you might have built ...
Installation Via npm npm install reactjs-router Via yarn yarn add reactjs-router Usage I recommend using webpack for your project. I have tested this module with webpack. I have not tested it with browserify or plain browser tags. If you are successfully use it with either, please ...
Installation from NPM $ npm install --save oh-router oh-router-react Below is the most basic use case that combines React:Open in StackBlitz import{Router}from'oh-router'import{RouterView,Link}from'oh-router-react'importReactDOMfrom'react-dom/client'constrouter=newRouter({routes:[{path:'/'...
React Router uses a monorepo to host code for multiple packages. These packages live in thepackagesdirectory. We useYarn workspacesto manage installation of dependencies and running various scripts. To get everything installed, make sure you haveYarn (version 1) installed, and then runyarnoryarn ...
Installation React Router Native is published to npm. You can install it with either npm or yarn. npm install react-router-native # or yarn add react-router-native Once you’ve initialized a new React Native project, you can copy/paste any of the examples into your index.ios.js or inde...
The generated project includes React and ReactDOM as dependencies. It also includes a set of scripts used by Create React App as a development dependency. You may install other dependencies (for example, React Router) with npm:npm install --save react-router ...