class App extends React.Component<any, any> { constructor(props: any) { super(props); } render() { return ( <Router> <React.Fragment> <Switch> <Route exact path="/" render={() => <Redirect to="/articles" />} /> <Route path="/articles" render={() => <ArticleHome type="arti...
import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider, } from "react-router-dom"; const router = createBrowserRouter([ { path: "/", element: <App />, }, ]); ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")).render( <RouterProvider router={router} /> );...
asyncRouter实际就是一个高级组件,将()=>import()作为加载函数传进来,然后当外部Route加载当前组件的时候,在componentDidMount生命周期函数,加载真实的组件,并渲染组件,我们还可以写针对路由懒加载状态定制属于自己的路由监听器beforeRouterComponentLoad和afterRouterComponentDidLoaded,类似vue中watch $route功能。接下来我们...
npm install --save react-router-dom Alternatively you may use yarn: yarn add react-router-dom To try it, delete all the code in src/App.js and replace it with any of the examples on its website. The Basic Example is a good place to get started. Note that you may need to configure...
// We use react-router to run the URL that is provided in routes.jsx var getHandler = function(routes, url) { var deferred = Promise.defer();, url, function (Handler) { deferred.resolve(Handler); }); return deferred.promise; }; app.use(function *(next) { yield ...
Axios.get("").then((res) => { console.log(; });React Router DOMReact Router DOM v6import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";We first import the BrowserRouter, Routes, and Route component.<Router> <Routes> <Route ...
react-router-config:用于配置静态路由的工具库 react-router-dom中常用的API,提供了一些组件,包括: BrowserRouter、HashRouter 来区分项目路由模式为history模式还是hash模式 Route 用于路径的匹配,然后进行组件的染,对应的属性如下: 1、path 属性:用于设置匹配到的路径 ...
locale('zh-cn'); const App = () => { return ( <ConfigProvider locale={zhCN}> <Provider store={store}> <Router>{renderRoutes(routers)}</Router> </Provider> </ConfigProvider> ); }; const render = Component => { ReactDOM.render(<Component />, document.getElementById('app')); };...
const router = createBrowserRouter( [ { id: "root", path: "/", Component: RootComponent, }, ], { async unstable_patchRoutesOnMiss({ path, patch }) { if (path === "/a") { // Load the `a` route (`{ path: 'a', Component: A }`) let route = await getARoute(); // Pa...
http://localhost:3000/hello?v=6789 我在我的应用程序组件中使用react-router来根据路由显示不同的组件。App组件被包装到一个BrowserRouter组件中。 render() { return ( <Switch&g 浏览41提问于2018-06-03得票数 7 回答已采纳 3回答 当变量值发生变化时,响应更新useState() 当变量‘UseState’发生变化时...