在React中,可以使用react-router-dom库来实现页面的重定向。要在react confirmAlert中重定向到另一个页面,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 首先,确保已经安装了re...
在需要使用按钮的组件中,首先导入React Router的相关组件和方法: 代码语言:jsx 复制 import{BrowserRouterasRouter,Route,Link,Redirect}from'react-router-dom'; 在组件的render方法中,使用Link组件来创建一个按钮,并设置to属性为目标页面的路径: 代码语言:jsx 复制 render(){return(<Router><Linkto="/target-...
I'm trying to redirect to another page when the form validates, but the way that I'm doing is not working, I tried many ways, but no one of them is working, my mind is going to explode. On that code, I'm trying to use the react-router-dom (Router), I really not know why t...
import React from 'react'; import { Link, Route, Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'; const Menu = () => (Menu<Linkto="/menu/food">Food</Link><Linkto="/menu/drinks">Drinks</Link><Linkto="/menu/123">Redirect</Link><Routepath="/menu/:section([a-z]+)"render={({match })=>{ ...
等价于以前版本中的Redirect组件 import{Navigate}from"react-router-dom";functionA(){return<Navigateto="/b"/>;} 十、布局路由 当多个路由有共同的父级组件时,可以将父组件提取为一个没有path和index属性的Route组件(Layout Route) <Routeelement={<PageLayout/>}><Routepath="/privacy"element={<Privacy/>...
import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; 1. <Link to=“foo”>to foo</Link>; 2.2 NavLink 组件 NavLink组件和Link组件的功能是一致的,区别在于可以判断其to属性是否是当前匹配到的路由
Steps to Reproduce With react-router-dom v6.14: Simply try throw redirect(url) and you will see that instead of redirecting the user to another page, an error appears. If you replace throw with return nothing will happen. Expected Behavior I expect that once I throw or return a redirect ...
To use a router, just make sure it is rendered at the root of your element hierarchy. Typically you’ll wrap your top-level <App> element in a router, like this: import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom"; function...
说的简单一点,react-router-dom 是对react-router所有组件或方法的一个二次导出,并且在react-router组件的基础上添加了新的组件,更加方便开发者处理复杂的应用业务。 1.react-router 导出的所有内容 统计一下,总共10个方法 1.MemoryRouter.js、2.Prompt.js、3.Redirect.js、4.Route.js、5.Router.js、6.Static...
Open it up and we'll put React Router on the page.👉 Create and render a browser router in main.jsximport * as React from "react"; import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom/client"; import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider, } from "react-router-dom"; import "./index.css"; const...