return<Routekey={'route-' +key}exact={route.exact}path={route.path}element={<route.component/>} ></Route>})}</Route>}) }</Routes></Router> No routes matched location "/findSmileFace" 原因:react-router-dom插件v5和v6版本写法不同 v5:Route组件使用component属性承接组件 v6:Route组件使用elem...
import { NavLink, Route, Routes, Navigate, useRoutes } from 'react-router-dom'const element=useRoutes([ { path:'/home', element:<Home/>}, { path:'/about', element:<About/>}, { path:'/', element:<Navigate to="/home"/>} ]) {/** * 注册路由*/} {/*<Routes> <Route path="/...
自动添加的却是 react-router-dom的6.0.2的包,版本的升级导致出现了 ‘Switch‘ is not exported from ‘react-router-dom‘ Switch 在新的版本中,不能用了 说是变成了Routes,于是我把代码这样调整: import React from 'react' import { BrowserRouter as Router,Route,Routes} from 'react-router-dom'; imp...
I know this issue has been raised before, but I couldn't find a proper solution. Here are few details before the issue. I'm using: React: 15.1.0 React-Dom: 15.1.0 React-Router: 2.4.1 Here is my code: routes.js var React = require('react'...
Closed [Bug]: No routes matched location "/$BTC"#8988 waveironopened this issueJun 16, 2022· 2 comments Labels bug Comments What version of React Router are you using? 6.3.0 Steps to Reproduce Just access any path that contains "$". ...
在src 下新建一个 HelloRouter.js,代码如下: import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom"; // 将路由拆分成数组的形式,有点像 vue 路由配置 const routes = [ ...
NO Match--404 Sidebar 侧边栏 config 路由配置 Query parameters 查询参数 安装 npm install --save react-router-dom 使用 import React from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom"; import Home from './components/Home' import News from './components/Ne...
通过react-router-dom 包的 createBrowserRouter 创建 router,传入 routes 配置。 然后把 router 传入 RouterProvider。 有一个根路由 /、两个子路由 /bbb/:id 和 /ccc 把开发服务跑起来: npm run start 测试下: 子路由对应的组件在 <Outlet/> 处渲染。
touch src/routes/contact.jsx 👉 Add the contact component UIIt's just a bunch of elements, feel free to copy/paste.import { Form } from "react-router-dom"; export default function Contact() { const contact = { first: "Your", last: "Name", avatar: "
HOOKSReact Router附带了一些HOOK,可让您访问路由器的状态并从组件内部执行导航useHistoryuseLocationuseParamsuseRouteMatchuseHistoryuseHistory 钩子返回...