进行网站(将会运行在浏览器环境中)构建,我们应当安装react-router-dom。react-router-dom暴露出react-router中暴露的对象与方法,因此你只需要安装并引用react-router-dom即可。 Installation | 安装 安装: yarn add react-router-dom# 或者,不使用 yarnnpm install react-router-dom 路由的基本概念 现在的React Route...
import { Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";//Routes =》 路由表//Route => 路由信息import { useNavigate } from"react-router-dom";//从首页跳转到login//语法: useNavigate() =》 返回值也是一个方法,这个方法有两个参数//Link => 相当于A标签//let routes =[//{path:'/',component:'...
进行网站(将会运行在浏览器环境中)构建,我们应当安装react-router-dom。react-router-dom暴露出react-router中暴露的对象与方法,因此你只需要安装并引用react-router-dom即可。 官方文档地址:https://reacttraining.com/react-router/web/guides/philosophy Installation | 安装 安装: yarnaddreact-router-dom# 或者,不...
react-router-dom地址:https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/getting-started/installation Antd地址:https://ant.design/components/layout-cn/ 用到的路由API有:BrowserRouter、useRoutes、RouteObject、Link、useSearchParams、useParams、matchRoutes、Outlet、useLocation、useNavigate ...
Installation npm install --save @types/react-router-dom Summary This package contains type definitions for react-router-dom (https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router). Details Files were exported fromhttps://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/react-router-dom. ...
Have a look at react-router's installation guide, which has a note about packages that should be used for development. You'd never reference react-router directly in your web application because react-router-dom is supposed to be used instead. 👍 5 v12 closed this as completed Nov 19,...
Tip:react router 用到了这个包,另外这个包的作者和 react-router、react-router-dom 是同一人。 路由模式 react 中有三种模式,本篇主要研究 history 和 hash 两种模式。 官网-history: “browser history” - 在特定 DOM 上的实现,使用于支持 HTML5 history API 的...
[Use `useRoutes` instead of `react-router-config`](#use-useroutes-instead-of-react-router-config) [Rename `<Link component>` to `<Link as>`](#rename-link-component-to-link-as) [Get `StaticRouter` from `react-router-dom/server`](#get-staticrouter-from-react-router-domserver) ...
(Installation) With npm: 使用npm : npm install react-router-dom 1. (Types of routes) React Router provides two different kind of routes: React Router提供两种不同的路由: BrowserRouter BrowserRouter HashRouter HashRouter One builds classic URLs, the other builds URLs with the hash: ...
npm install --save react-router-dom Alternatively you may use yarn: yarn add react-router-dom To try it, delete all the code in src/App.js and replace it with any of the examples on its website. The Basic Example is a good place to get started. Note that you may need to confi...