ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin是一个专门为 React 应用程序提供快速热更新(Fast Refresh / Hot Reloading)的 Webpack 插件。 当你的 React 组件代码发生变化时,它能够自动重新渲染受影响的组件,而不是刷新整个页面,从而显著提升开发效率。 配置项中的overlay: false表示禁用错误提示覆盖层。在启用错误覆盖层的情况下,当开...
appPackageJson, reactRefreshOverlayEntry, ]), ], }, plugins: [ // ... // 使一些环境变量在index.html中可用。 // public URL在index中以%PUBLIC_URL%的形式存在。html,例如: // // 除非你指定"homepage"否则它将是一个空字符串 // 在包中。在这种情况下,它将是该URL的路径名。 new Interpola...
// isEnvDevelopment && shouldUseReactRefresh && new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin({ overlay: false, }), // Watcher doesn't work well if you mistype casing in a path so we use // a plugin that prints an error when you atte...
extensive-react-boilerplate - Boilerplate with Next.js, Auth (Sign in, Sign up, Reset password, Confirm email, Refresh Token), Material UI, React Hook Form, I18N, File uploads (support local and Amazon S3 drivers), Tests, CI. generator-starhackit - Full-stack starter kit. nwb - CLI to...
React Native-supports Fast Refreshsince 0.61. parcel 2-supports Fast Refreshsince alpha 3. webpack-supports Fast Refreshusing a plugin. other bundler- no support yet, use React-Hot-Loader create-react-app-supports Fast Refreshwith FAST_REFRESH env since 4. ...
<View style={{height:Util.size.height-180}}><FlatListdata={this.state.repairList}renderItem={_renderItem}ListFooterComponent={this._renderFooter.bind(this)}refreshing={this.state.refreshing}onRefresh={this.handleRefresh}onEndReachedThreshold={0.1}onEndReached={()=>{this.handleOnEndReached();}}/><...
0`, swiping down 3169 * triggers an `onrefresh` event. 3170 * 3171 * __note:__ `refreshing` is a controlled prop, this is why it needs to be set to true 3172 * in the `onrefresh` function otherwise the refresh indicator will stop immediately. 3173 */ 3174 declare class ...
This is a major release that includes the new reloading experience Fast Refresh. It also removes the React .xcodeproj, fixes use_frameworks! for CocoaPods support, adds a useWindowDimensions hook, and upgrades to React 16.9. Added Add Fast Refresh by default (17f8e5810f by @gaearon) Add us...
Refresh the app after it has recompiled a change For React Native, copyreact-devtools-coreto itsnode_modulesto test your changes. Readme Keywords none Package Sidebar Install npm ireact-devtools Repository Homepage ...
overlayStyle 调整为控制 t-popup 层级,新增 overlayInnerStyle 控制t-popup__content 层级与原先 overlayStyle 效果一致。 overlayClassName 调整为控制 t-popup 层级。🚀 FeaturesImage: 新增 Image 组件@insekkei (#1209) Link: 新增 Link 组件@zFitness (#1277) Table: 支持使用插槽 footer-summary 定义通栏...