选择的时候选择React和TypeScript,这时候就可以去文件夹中使用vscode打开项目,发现有初始项目只有2个依赖: 我们需要添加依赖: "react-redux":"8.0.5", "react-router-dom":"6.4.4", "redux":"^4.2.0" 然后使用npm i命令,进行下载依赖 下载完毕之后,就可以使用npm run dev来启动项目 点击即可访问主页,我这里...
/*** A hook to access the redux `dispatch` function.** Note for `redux-thunk` users: the return type of the returned `dispatch` functions for thunks is incorrect.* However, it is possible to get a correctly typed `dispatch` function by creating your own custom hook typed* from the st...
import { createStore } from 'redux' import countReducer from "./reducers"; import testReducer from "./TestReducer"; import { combineReducers } from 'redux' const reducer = combineReducers({ countReducer, testReducer }) const store = createStore(reducer) export default store 5. 全局使用store im...
react-redux#connect TypeScript Examples The following examples show how to use react-redux#connect. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the ...
React Redux是一个由Redux维护的UI组件库,并以React和Redux的最新API频繁更新。它以可预测性、直接的界面和准确性等属性而闻名。它适合于较轻的项目,而不是复杂的项目。 React Redux 特点和优点包括: 封装的: 你将得到API,允许组件直接与Redux商店互动。这可以避免你自己写代码。
而不是const dispatch = useDispatch();,它应该是const dispatch = useAppDispatch();然后我就可以分派...
Your Answer Post Your Answer By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged reactjs typescript redux redux-toolkit or ask your own question. Th...
TypeScript 写法 上面的代码在 js 环境下执行没有问题,直接将文件名后缀改为 .ts,不出意外是会提示错误的…… 例如: // action.ts // error: 参数“data”隐式具有“any”类型 export const CHANGE_NAME = 'CHANGE_NAME'; export const changeName = (data) => ({ ...
I've been reading the documentation on using Redux with Typescript and I think I've got everything right, but my compiler is complaining regardless. This is the problematic line: // Widget.tsxconsterror =useTypedSelector(state=>state.error.widgetError)// ^// Object is of type '...
Redux less 的配置 配置没看懂不要紧,架子我都全部给你搭好了,按着TS和Ant-Design的官网去操作就OK 我们重点理理思路,首先为什么要使用TypeScript? 使用TypeScript最终会被编译成JS,所以说它是JS的超集。 TypeScript带静态类型检验,现在的第三方包基本上源码都是TS,方便查看调试。