React Query provides two ways to optimistically update your UI before a mutation has completed. You can either use the onMutate option to update your cache directly, or leverage the returned variables...
React Query provides two ways to optimistically update your UI before a mutation has completed. You can either use the onMutate option to update your cache directly, or leverage the returned variables...
Want to Skip the Docs? “If you're serious about *really* understanding React Query, there's no better way than with”—Tanner Linsley Learn More This ad helps to keep us from burning out and rage-quitting OSS just *that* much more, so chill. 😉...
guoshuangyang opened #12892 guoshuangyang:docs/update_url Status Action required Total duration – Artifacts – This workflow is awaiting approval from a maintainer in #12892 e2e-mfsu.yml on: pull_request Matrix: e2e-mfsu Waiting for pending jobs Oh hello! Nice to see you. Made with...
guoshuangyang opened #12892 guoshuangyang:docs/update_url Status Action required Total duration – Artifacts – This workflow is awaiting approval from a maintainer in #12892 e2e-qiankun.yml on: pull_request Matrix: qiankun-basic Waiting for pending jobs Oh hello! Nice to see you. ...
A query function can be literally any function that returns a promise. The promise that is returned should either resolve the data or throw an error. All of the following are valid query function conf...
Still on React Query v2? No problem! Check out the v2 docs here: Still on React Query v3? No problem! Check out the v3 docs here: Still on React Query v4? No problem! Check ...
React Query 是从 v3 版本改名字的: v3 以前(包括 v3)包名叫 react-query 从v4 开始包名改成 @tanstack/react-query 了 新旧版本改动不多[2],因为我现在用的是旧包,我就那它举例了。 安装React Query 先创建一个 React 项目。 复制 npmcreatevite@latestreact-query-demos-- --template reactcd react-qu...
React-Query的官方文档没有大纲,阅读起来相当不方便,个人感觉,直接阅读github源码项目中的docs要更方便一些。链接地址: 2.1 简单使用 2.1.1 QueryClientProvider 首先,需要在组件外层定义一个queryClient作为组件操作和使用数据的一个共同容器,通过QueryClientProvi...
useQuery() 是 React Query 对外提供一个用于封装获取数据请求的包装 React Hook。 复制 import{ useQuery }from'react-query'functionExample(){ const { isLoading,isError,error,data}=useQuery('repoData',()=>fetch('').then(res=>res.json())...