进入VS Code Market,搜索需要的插件 点击Download Extension,下载下来的是.vsix格式文件 安装VS Code时配置好了环境变量,在控制台执行 code --install-extension your-extension-name.vsix 即可安装 一些实用的插件 适用于 VS Code 的中文(简体)语言包 : 地址: Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studi...
TOP 10 VSCode Extensions for React/React Native Developers (2021) GitLens — Git supercharged - Visual Studio Marketplace ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets - Visual Studio Marketplace ESLint - Visual Studio Marketplace Code Spell Checker - Visual Studio Marketplace Color Highlight - V...
网下载稳定安装包:2、双击运行安装程序,默认安装路径在C盘,建议修改为其他驱动器的路径中,完成安装。VSCode常用插件选择编辑器左侧【Extensions】菜单: 一、汉化插件Chinese(Simplified)LanguagePackforVisualStudioCode中文(简体)语言包:为VSCode提供本地化界面 二、智能提示插件HTML Snippets ...
ReactNativeis a great way to build native, cross platform app for iOS and Android using JavaScript. We recentlyannouncedthe launch of aVisual Studio Code Extensionthat enables you to build, debug and preview Apache Cordova apps. And today we’re pleased to announce the availability a similarexte...
Code Time(https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=softwaredotcom.swdc-vscode)是一个开源插件,它可以在代码编辑器中提供编程度量。安装扩展插件程序后,系统将提示你登录其登陆界面。在代码编辑器内部,你可以按下 command + shift + P。这时将显示一个可以键入的窗口 Code Time,然后你可以选择在代码...
This VS Code extension provides a development environment for React Native and Expo projects. Using this extension, you can debug your code and quickly run react-native or expo commands from the command palette. Table of Contents React Native Tools Preview About the extension Getting started React...
Supports custom rule generation via plugins. Offers more than 170 built-in rules for current CSS features. Automatically fixes any problems in the code. Provides variousconfiguration options. 7. GitLens Source:Visual Studio Market Place GitLensis another widely used VS Code extension that provides ...
插件名React Native Tools微软官方开发的vscode下 React Native的开发辅助工具ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React Na...
插件 React Native Tools:微软官方出的ReactNative插件,非常好用 Reactjs code snippets:react的代码提示,如componentWillMount方法可以通过cwm直接获得 Auto Close Tag:自动闭合标签 Auto Rename Tag:自动重命名标签,配合上面的插件使用,基本上能赶上IntelliJ IDEA系的功能了 ...
1. Visual Studio Code VS Code来自微软,是一个开源的、基于 Electron 的轻量代码编辑器,亦是笔者推荐的一款编写C/C++的 代码编辑器。 那作为一款代码编辑器,VS Code 好在什么地方? 扩展 在内置的扩展商店里我们可以看到非常多的扩展,包括代码提示、编辑器美化、代码格式化、Snippet(预置代码片段)、编程语言支持、...