import React, { Component } from "react"; import { TransformWrapper, TransformComponent, useControls, } from "react-zoom-pan-pinch"; const Controls = () => { const { zoomIn, zoomOut, resetTransform } = useControls(); return ( zoomIn()}>+ zoomOut()}>- resetTransform()}>x...
import React, { Component } from "react"; import { TransformWrapper, TransformComponent, useControls, } from "react-zoom-pan-pinch"; const Controls = () => { const { zoomIn, zoomOut, resetTransform } = useControls(); return ( zoomIn()}>+ zoomOut()}>- resetTransform()}>x...
可以使用react-zoom-pan-pinch库来实现图像的缩放功能。可以通过以下命令安装该库: 代码语言:txt 复制 npm install react-zoom-pan-pinch 在React组件中,创建一个包含图像的容器元素,并为其设置一个唯一的ID。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 import React from 'react'; import { Viewer } from 'react-zoom-pan-...
可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,需要在React组件中引入相关的依赖库。可以使用`react-zoom-pan-pinch`库来实现图像的缩放功能。可以通过以下命令安装该库: ``` npm ...
npm install --save react-zoom-pan-pinch or yarn add react-zoom-pan-pinch Examples importReact,{Component}from"react";import{TransformWrapper,TransformComponent}from"react-zoom-pan-pinch";constExample=()=>{return(<TransformWrapper><TransformComponent></TransformComponent></TransformWrapper>);}; or...
"react-zoom-pan-pinch"; const ModalCarousel = ({ handleModalClose, data, //current picture in array of pictures next, // set next picture in pictures state previous // set previous picture in pictures state }) => { let touchStart = ...
()}>+ zoomOut()}>- resetTransform()}>x </> ); const Component = () => { const transformComponentRef = useRef<ReactZoomPanPinchRef | null>(null); const zoomToImage = () => { if (transformComponentRef.current) { const { zoomToElement } = transformComponentRef.current; zoomToEl...
2 I have created a flow chart using npm packagereact-zoom-pan-pinch Problem : The chart has a limit on the left and top side, and it seems infinite in the right and bottom side. Is there any option using which I can extend the chart in all the four sides ?
zoomMode Enable the pinch to zoom gesture. Default: on 'on'/'off' no All yes zoom Control the zoom. Default: 1.0 Number no All yes maxZoom Maximum zoom allowed (but not beyond what camera allows). Default: undefined (camera default max) Number no All yes onZoom Callback when user ma...
position:'absolute', } }); AppRegistry.registerComponent('pan', () => pan); 总结 以上的内容就是我近一段事件来对React Native手势的学习和理解。讲了一些基本原理,但是要实现一些更加复杂的手势,例如pinch、rotate、zoom,还需要更进一步的研究和学习。