import React, { useMemo } from "react"; import { Rect, Svg } from "@react-pdf/renderer"; import { getMatrix } from "qr-code-generator-lib"; interface QRProps { url: string; level?: keyof typeof EcLevels; width?: number; foreground?: string; background?: string; } enum EcLevels ...
qrcode.react : 二维码 react-archer : 在元素之间绘制箭头 react-pdf-viewer : PDF 查看器 react-parallax-tilt : 倾斜悬停效果 react-tsparticles : 粒子动画 react-accessible-accordion : 手风琴 react-cookie : cookies react-slick : 走马灯 nuka-carousel react-device-detect : 检测设备 react-colorful :...
This React QR Code component enables you to generate different types of QR codes in your React app, including Swiss QR codes. Supports SVG and Canvas rendering.
electronreacttypescriptviteqrcode-reactelectron-vite UpdatedMay 15, 2023 TypeScript 🧾 Invoice web application generator with QR payment code based on the SPAYD format. reactjavascriptgithub-pagestravis-ciqrcodeinvoicejspdfqrspdqrcode-reactspayd ...
We need to create a QR code scanner component so that we can use the plugin in a declarative manner.Here is the complete code of the component (the file is saved as src\components\QRCodeScanner.tsx):import { MutableRefObject, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import './QR...
支付宝 react-native-alipay 获取设备信息 react-native-device-info 国际化 react-native-i18n 文件操作 react-native-fs 数据库 react-native-sqlite-storage 图像处理 react-native-transformable-image 生成二维码 react-native-qrcode 扫描二维码 react-native-camera ...
232 export declare const IconFilePdf: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<IconProps & React.RefAttributes<unknown>> 233 export declare const IconFileVideo: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<IconProps & React.RefAttributes<unknown>> 234 export declare const IconFile: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<IconProps ...
UPC-ACode 39QR Code UPC-ECode 128Data Matrix EAN-8ITFAztec EAN-13RSS-14PDF 417 Known Issues The camera can only be accessed over https or localhost Browser compatibility is limited by react-webcam's usage of the Stream API: On iOS-Devices with iOS < 14.3 ...
PDF 获取设备信息 手势放大缩小移动
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