Part of the KendoReact library along with 120+ professionally-designed components. Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more! Start Free Trial Docs & Demos Create Organizational Charts with Ease The KendoReact Org Chart enables users to easily view and int...
Redefined chart library built with React and D3. Contribute to recharts/recharts development by creating an account on GitHub.
Composable Charting Library "Recharts is a chart library built with React and D3. The main purpose of this library is to help you to write charts in React applications without any pain. Recharts lets you build and customize your charts quickly with decoupled, reusable React components. It'...
You don’t have to use React Bootstrap together with React but it is a popular library for integrating Bootstrap with React apps. If you need it, you can integrate it with Create React App by following these steps: Install React Bootstrap and Bootstrap from npm. React Bootstrap does not...
This library is being built and maintained by me, @tannerlinsley and I am always in need of more support to keep this project afloat. If you would like to get additional support, add your logo or name on this README, or simply just contribute to my open source Sponsorship goal, visit ...
Featured Library// CategoryTable / Data Grid Storybook 8.5 release UpdatePopular Story// af-virtual-scroll Simple open-source tools that just work (usually fast) Featured Library// CategoryInfinite Scroll 100 React Practice Project Ideas ...
addedindividually;while the library’s collection of packages could serve as a base component library for a new application, Radix was designed to be implementable in piecemeal fashion for any project. This makes it a viable option for applications that embrace a component library well after their...
A simple library to create and handling awesome canvas charts. This package is based on echarts and echarts-for-react wrapper. Installation Amazing React Charts is avaliable as aNPMpackage. With npm: npm install --save amazing-react-charts ...
react-chartjsx:官方的React chart.js组件。 适用于设计人员和开发人员的简单而灵活的React图表组件(由@codefacebook创建) 开发技术 - 其它Sa**ss 上传360KB 文件格式 zip react chart charts charting-library preact react-chart.jsx 官方React 组件 。 我们很乐意通过分叉和发送请求请求,为React-chartjsx做出...
最近React Testing Library (RTL)也比较流行(在Jest测试环境中使用),它可以为React提供更精细的测试。RTL支持让渲染组件模拟HTML元素上的事件成,配合Jest进行DOM节点的断言。 如果你正在寻找用于React端到端 (E2E) 测试的测试工具,Cypress是现在最受欢迎的选择。