Since react-router routes are components, creating nested routes is as simple as making one route a child of another in JSX. Make the nested component: classApp extends React.Component { render(){return(<Router history={hashHistory}> <Route path="/"component={Home}> <Route path="about"com...
当一个URL被调用,React Router 允许你通过嵌套路由 (Nested routes) 的方式来声明将要被渲染的一系列嵌套组件,嵌套路由是类树状结构 (tree-like structure),React Router 通过route config的顺序去匹配URL RouteConfig是 React Router 内部用来指定 router 顺序的数组 <Router history={hashHistory}> <Route path="/...
Nested routesA nested route is something like /about/react.Let’s say that for the messages section, we want to display a list of messages. Each one in the form of a link like /messages/1, /messages/2, and so on, that will lead you to a detail page....
另外,V4中,我们不再使用{props.children}来嵌套组件了,替代的<Route>,当route匹配时,子组件会被渲染到<Route>书写的地方 Inclusive Routing 在上面的example中,读者可能注意到V4中有exact这么一个props,那么,这个props有什么用呢?V3中的routing规则是exclusive,意思就是最终只获取一个 route,而V4中的routes默认是inc...
Nested routing allows you to rendersub-routesin your application. It can be understood in the below example. Example index.js importReact from'react'; importReactDOM from'react-dom'; import{ BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, NavLink, Switch } from'react-router-dom' ...
react-router只会匹配pathname,也就意味着对于,在react-router中等价于 react-router中route的位置,决定了send的URL匹配的是哪一个route。 注意选择是否要加参数exact, 因为不使用exact的时候,只要URL使用path开头就会被匹...
example app就两个routes,一个home,一个user 在V3中 import React from "react"; import { render } from"react-dom"; import { Router, Route, IndexRoute, Link, browserHistory } from"react-router"; const PrimaryLayout= props => Our React Router 3 App <Link...
ReactDOM.render(( <Router> <Route component={MainLayout}> <Route component={SearchLayout}> <Route path="users" component={UserList} /> </Route> </Route> </Router> ), document.getElementById('root'));Components will be nested in accordance with how the router nests its routes. When ...
Our basic example only uses one.<Route>s can be nested. The first <Route> has a path of / and renders the Layout component.The nested <Route>s inherit and add to the parent route. So the blogs path is combined with the parent and becomes /blogs....
它使用useState和useEffect钩子来维护一个match状态,用于表示当前 URL 是否匹配了任何一个子Route组件。在useEffect钩子中,它遍历所有子元素,找到第一个与当前 URL 匹配的Route组件,然后设置match状态为true。在返回值中,它再次遍历所有子元素,找到第一个匹配的Route组件,然后返回它。如果没有匹配的Route组件,就返回null...