Build native mobile apps using JavaScript and React Re...
Webview 的表现和性能与 RN,Flutter 那种编译后转 Native Code 的性能对比肯定要差一些,一些 Web不支...
atom-react-native-autocomplete package - 该包针对 React-Native,为 Atom 编辑器提供自动补全功能。atom-react-native-css - 这是一个内置支持 SASS、SCSS 的 React-Native 组件的包。React-native-css 将有效的 CSS、SASS转换为 CSS 的 Facebook 子集。react-native-snippets - 该包是 Atom和 Nuclide 的 Re...
There are several options for adding React Native for Web to your React Native Apps: Option #1: Use Expo Expo is an open source toolchain built on top of React Native. Its main components are: Expo CLI, a cli for creating React Native projects, viewing logs, publishing, etc. ...
简介:Hybrid App(混合模式移动应用)开发是指介于Web-app、Native-App这两者之间的一种开发模式,兼具「Native App 良好用户交互体验的优势」和「Web App 跨平台开发的优势」。很多人都知道,React Native 是 Facebook 开源的框架,可以直接用 Javascript 开发原生的APP,本文则会围绕开发中的具体实践问题进行讨论。
1.1.2、React Native 官网地址:项目地址: React Native看姓就知道是谁推出的了,不多说了。官方给的 slogen 是 Learn once, write anywhere. 项目主页对其自己的介绍为: Create native apps for Android, iOS, and more using React React Nat...
react-native必备:WebView篇 什么是WebView、WebView发展过程、WebView DevTools怎么用?如何调试WebView? 下文中可能会看到很多加粗的名词,或许会不理解,不要急,后面会慢慢介绍。 WebView发展 为了可跨平台开发一次可以部署iOS、Android等平台;发布更新快,且能在服务器端发布,还能够实时更新终端展示,便于快速升级以及...
这些指南详细介绍了如何使用React Native创建可访问的Web体验。某些特定于Web的模式记录在“Web配方”指南中。 Getting started Client-side rendering Server-side rendering Style Accessibility Internationalization Direct manipulation Web recipes Multi-platform apps ...
Adding React Native Web This is where things start getting a little harder, we already have a react-native project, so thecreate-appsetup script won’t work for us. I went with theWeb packaging for existing React Native appssection of getting started which suggests this (the babel-polyfill ...
The library for web and native user interfaces. Contribute to facebook/react development by creating an account on GitHub.