If your project prioritises a mobile-first experience,Onsen UIis a solid choice. This library helps design interfaces that feel native to mobile devices. It achieves this by offering components and features that mimic the look and feel of native iOS and Android apps. Onsen UI's also touch-fri...
NativeBase: NativeBase is a cross-platform UI library that focuses on delivering a consistent and polished user experience. It provides an array of essential UI components that adhere to the platform-specific design guidelines for both iOS and Android. Benefits: Platform-specific components, simplifie...
yarn.lock Bump fast-xml-parser from 4.3.6 to 4.4.1 (wix#3188) Jul 30, 2024 Repository files navigation README MIT license @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-ui-lib This project is based on react-native-ui-lib Documentation 中文 English License This library is licensed under The MIT Li...
The library for web and native user interfaces. Contribute to facebook/react development by creating an account on GitHub.
react-native : Facebook - 世界上最流行的跨端框架 ( 渲染为原生 UI ) 支持Web, Android , Windows, ios, macOS, TV, watchOS, visionOS ionic-framework : ( 底层 WebView ) 一套代码发布 web/ android / ios / windows / electron capacitor : ionic 底层的框架 , 对 web 进行套壳 ( ionic 团...
在处理 UI 状态时,React 的内置 Hook 是非常适用的。然而,当涉及到远程数据的状态管理(包括数据获取和缓存)时,建议使用专门的数据获取库,比如TanStack Query(前身为React Query)。 虽然TanStack Query 本身并不是一个专门的状态管理库,主要用于从API获取远程数据,但它能够处理所有与该远程数据相关的状态管理工作,包...
In February 2023,Flutter has 487,428 repository resultsandReact Native UI library stands at 355,832. For Flutter, this number has almost doubled as in 2022 there were "only" 241,632 against React Native's 232,168. Still, both ecosystems are rich with packages for animations, state managemen...
4.Chakra UI 网站:Chakra UI[15] Chakra UI 是在 React 中创建可访问且高度可定制用户界面的流行选择。它提供一组可组合的组件和样式属性系统,用于灵活的样式设定。 5.Headless UI (Tailwind CSS 框架) 网站:Headless UI[16] Headless UI 是一组完全可访问的非样式化 UI 组件,旨在与 Tailwind CSS 无缝协作。
我写了一个 Teaset: A UI library for react native 提供20+纯JS组件,可与React Native已有组件无缝...
shadcn/ui:2023 年最受欢迎 Radix React Aria Catalyst Daisy UI Headless UI Ark UI:来自 Chakra UI 制造商的库。 尽管这些UI库都自带组件,但它们无法像专注于单一UI组件的库那样强大。例如,使用react-table-library 可以在 React 中创建功能强大的表格组件,同时它还提供各种主题(如Material UI),能够轻松地与UI...