import React from 'react' import { BarChart, Grid } from 'react-native-svg-charts' class GroupedBarChartExample extends React.PureComponent { render() { const data1 = [ 14, -1, 100, -95, -94, -24, -8, 85, -91, 35, -53, 53, -78, 66, 96, 33, -26, -32, 73, 8 ] ....
Welcome to react-native-svg-charts!react-native-svg-charts provides SVG Charts support to React Native on iOS and Android, and a compatibility layer for the web.Looking for maintainers! I alone don't have the time to maintain this library anymore. Preferably looking for somebody who uses ...
react-native-svg-charts-demo / Navigation.tsx Navigation.tsx3.90 KB 一键复制编辑原始数据按行查看历史 xwq提交于7个月前.11 importReact,{useEffect}from'react'; import{ FlatList, Image, Platform, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, View, }from'react-native'; ...
Welcome to react-native-svg-charts!react-native-svg-charts provides SVG Charts support to React Native on iOS and Android, and a compatibility layer for the web.Looking for maintainers! I alone don't have the time to maintain this library anymore. Preferably looking for somebody who uses ...
Welcome to react-native-svg-charts!react-native-svg-charts provides SVG Charts support to React Native on iOS and Android, and a compatibility layer for the web.Looking for maintainers! I alone don't have the time to maintain this library anymore. Preferably looking for somebody who uses ...
react-native-svg-charts是一个用于 React Native 应用的 SVG 图表库。它允许你在移动应用中创建各种类型的图表,如折线图、柱状图、饼图等。对于多个数据的分组显示,通常涉及到将数据按照某种规则(如时间、类别等)进行分类,然后在图表中分别展示这些分类的数据。
react-native-svg-charts-demo 介绍 {以下是 Gitee 平台说明,您可以替换此简介Gitee 是 OSCHINA 推出的基于 Git 的代码托管平台(同时支持 SVN)。专为开发者提供稳定、高效、安全的云端软件开发协作平台 无论是个人、团队、或是企业,都能够用 Gitee 实现代码托管、项目管理、协作开发。企业项目请看https://gitee....
react-native-charts-wrapper:一个封装了多个原生图表库的React Native组件,支持多种图表类型。 react-native-svg-charts:基于SVG的图表库,适用于需要高度自定义的场景。 react-native-echarts-wrapper:ECharts的React Native封装,提供了丰富的图表类型和交互功能。 2. 评估并选择适合的图表组件库 在选择图表组件库时...
以下是一些常用的React Native图表和图形视图库: react-native-chart-kit:这是一个功能强大且易于使用的图表库,支持多种图表类型,如折线图、柱状图、饼图等。它提供了丰富的自定义选项,可以轻松地创建漂亮的图表。腾讯云相关产品推荐:云开发( react-native-svg-charts:...
import React from 'react' import { BarChart, Grid } from 'react-native-svg-charts' class GroupedBarChartExample extends React.PureComponent { render() { const data1 = [ 14, -1, 100, -95, -94, -24, -8, 85, -91, 35, -53, 53, -78, 66, 96, 33, -26, -32, 73, 8 ] ....