说明:在上面的例子中,elevation 属性用于在 Android 设备上创建投影效果,而在 iOS 设备上,shadowColor、shadowOffset、shadowOpacity 和 shadowRadius 属性用于创建投影效果。可以根据需要调整这些属性的值。 3. 文档: react native shadow-props 文档 elevation 介绍 4. 属性对比: 在CSS 中,box-shadow 属性包含如下几...
在安卓端可以通过elevation属性,但是两者表现形式差别很大;因此我们引入第三方的react-native-shadow,它是利用react-native-svg画出svg阴影,因此两端效果比较一致;我们同时安装这两个依赖: yarn add react-native-shadow yarn add react-native-svg 然后给fixedAddBtn套一层BoxShadow组件: import { BoxShadow } from "...
然后安装一个react-native-svg,注意要去github上看下版本对照表,要对应版本安装 yarn add react-native-svg/yarn add react-native-svg@x.x.x 封装: importReact from'react'import{ViewStyle}from'react-native'importBase from'@/components/Base';import{View}from'@/components';import{BoxShadowasRNBoxShadow...
第一步:$ yarn add react-native-shadow 第二步:$ yarn add react-native-svg@xxx 备注:react-native-svg选择什么版本安装,需要根据你项目的react版本和react-native版本; 第三步: $ react-native link react-native-svg 或$ react-native link 第四步:在需要的页面中 import {BoxShadow} from 'react-nativ...
A quick React Native box shadow example:import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; const BoxShadowExample = () => { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <View style={styles.boxShadow} /> </View> ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ boxShadow: { // android: ...
import {BoxShadow} from 'react-native-shadow' render() { const shadowOpt = { width:315, //包裹的子内容多宽这里必须多宽 height:44,//同上 color:"#000",//阴影颜色 border:4,//阴影宽度 radius:22,//包裹的子元素圆角多少这里必须是多少 ...
heading}>React Native Box Shadow</Text> </View> <Text>Using the elevation style prop</Text> </View>); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ heading: { fontSize: 18, fontWeight: '600', marginBottom: 13, }, card: { backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: 8, paddingVertical: 45, ...
{ View, Image,Platform } from 'react-native' import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import {BoxShadow} from "react-native-shadow"; const defaultOption = { color:"#EBEBEB", border:3, radius:5, opacity:0.5, x:3, y:4, } class ShadowBoxView extends Component { static propTypes= { style:...
For styling the Box Shadow in React Native, only the elevation feature is supported in the Android platform, while in the iOS platform, we can style the box-shadow in many ways by setting the opacity, color, height, width, radius, etc. of the shadow. ...
如果您对 3rd 方软件持开放态度,另一种获取 android 阴影的方法是安装react-native-shadow。 示例(改编自自述文件): importReact, {Component} from"react";import{TouchableHighlight} from"react-native";import{BoxShadow} from"react-native-shadow";exportdefaultclassShadowButtonextendsComponent{ ...