📖 React Native Chat Tutorial The best place to start is theReact Native Chat Tutorial. It teaches you how to use this SDK and also shows how to make frequently required changes. Free for Makers Stream is free for most side and hobby projects. To qualify your project/company needs to ha...
📖 React Native Chat Tutorial The best place to start is the React Native Chat Tutorial. It teaches you how to use this SDK and also shows how to make frequently required changes. Free for Makers Stream is free for most side and hobby projects. To qualify your project/company needs to ...
yarn add --dev stream-chat-react-native-devtools or npm install --save-dev stream-chat-react-native-devtools Import the tools as follows: import{useFlipper}from'stream-chat-react-native-devtools';// Similarly, you can import other tools exposed by the library. ...
安装react-native-wechat //npm 安装npm install react-native-wechat--save//yarn 安装yarn add react-native-wechat 配置react-native-wechat iOS 自动配置执行以下命令: react-nativelink react-native-wechat link成功命令行会提示 Linkingreact-native-wechat ios dependency 或者你还可以手动配置 a.用xcode打开...
"getstream-cli": "0.0.63", "stream-chat-react-native": "^1.3.4", To Reproduce Initialize a chat client in any screen or App.js and use the client to set a user with a devToken. const client = new StreamChat('YOURKEY', { timeout: 6000, }) useEffect(() => { initiateChat()...
前提:微信平台注册,请自行百度。本篇主要是针对react native中使用react-native-wechat进行android端的分享。 1、Android版本安装配置方法 在android/settings.gradle文件下添加以下代码: include ':RCTWeChat'project(':RCTWeChat').projectDir =newFile(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-wechat...
このクイックスタートでは、React Native アプリでチャットをサポートするように、Azure Communication Services の Chat JavaScript SDK でパッケージを設定します。 クイックスタートで説明する手順は、Azure Communication Services の JavaScript Chat SDK 1.1.1 以降でサポートされています。
React-Native-Wechat是一款专业的桥接库,它成功地将Wechat SDK集成到了React Native框架中。该库支持iOS SDK版本1.7.2及Android平台,为开发者提供了跨平台应用开发的强大工具。 关键词 React Native, Wechat SDK, iOS 1.7.2, Android, Bridge Library
react-native-sse Github地址 2. 引入 import EventSource from "react-native-sse"; 3. 创建连接与监听器 import EventSource from "react-native-sse"; const es = new EventSource("https://your-sse-server.com/.well-known/mercure"); es.addEventListener("open", (event) => { console.log("Open...
import * as WeChat from 'react-native-wechat'; WeChat.registerApp('appid');registerAppWithDescription(appid, description)appid {String} the appid you get from WeChat dashboard description {String} the description of your app returns {Boolean} explains if your application is registered done...