npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init your-project-name This will scaffold a React Native project using Kotlin for the main Android classes Now, head over to Appicon. Drag your image to the box provided, and select 4x as your base size. Check iOS and Android, and click Generate: ...
This is not an issue, only a heads up, considering there are not new updates on this library and until we get the new README. I had some issues implementing splash screen on the newest react native version, using kotlin and to update the...
This change fixed the compilation errors related to:react-native-gesture-handler:compileDebugKotlinandjava.lang.StackOverflowError, allowing the build to complete successfully. This solution may be helpful for other developers facing similar issues with these specific versions of the NDK and SDK. vnknt ...
任务运行失败最常见的情况是 map 任务或 reduce 任务中的用户代码抛出运行异常。如果发生这种情况,任务 ...
您可能不想使用其他人在线引用的版本,而是使用您本地安装的版本,这取决于您上次更新Android SDK的时间...
一款基于ReactNative + TypeScript实现的精美仿开眼视频跨平台App,适合新手入门,快速掌握TypeScript基本语法以及快速上手ReactNative开发。 Kotlin版:Kotlin_Eyepetizer Flutter版:Flutter_Eyepetizer 前言 前段时间有Github的小伙伴问Flutter_Eyepetizer能不能提供一个ReactNative版本,因为目前的工作暂时没有涉及这块内容,所以暂...
在《我们是如何将 Cordova 应用嵌入到 React Native 中》 一文中,我们简单地介绍了『React Native 重写 Cordova 插件:复杂插件的调用』步骤: WebView 调用...RN 方法,并监听 React Native 返回的相应事件 React Native 接收到 WebView ...
1.1 React Native RN 是Facebook于2015年4月开源的跨平台移动应用开发框架,到现在已经发展了6年多了...
*React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regulariOSandAndroid apps. This means that, instead of building in Java, Kotlin, or Swift, you’re putting the same building blocks together, usingJavaScript and React. React Native uses components that are analogous to widgets in Fl...