首次运行react native 项目,在项目中运行react-native run-android指令时,遇到了如下两个问题: SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the local.properties file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable. 解决方法:在项目中的andriod文件夹中缺少location.properties文件,在andriod文件夹中,...
[链接]使用 npx create-expo-app x-s 创建的项目会有app/(tabs)app/(tabs)/_layout.tsxapp/+not-found.tsx这样 ( + 开头的文件夹和文件,这是在我之前写 python 和 vue 没有见过,一般编程对于文件夹和文件名的开头都是英文,但是 react native 生态下居然会有 ( + 这些字符开头?为什么 react native 要...
https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/android-setup.html 处理方式: 这个问题是找不到对应的SDK路径,可以到 android/ 文件夹下找到 local.properties 文件,如果没有就创建一个,然后在里面修改对应的sdk路径。 例如: sdk.dir=/Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk...
SDK 解决 方法一:在android Studio中打开项目android目录,会自动创建local.properties文件。 方法二:在android Studio根目录中复制一份local.properties到react-native项目的android目录中。
yarn react-native run-ios 异常 ✖ Installing CocoaPods dependencies (this may take a few minutes) errorwarn Multiple Podfiles were found: ios/Podfile,vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/cocoapods-core-1.12.1/lib/cocoapods-core/Podfile. Choosing ios/Podfile automatically. If you would like to sele...
- SDK location not found 首次使用 React Native 命令行工具来创建一个名为"AwesomeProject"的新项目后 react-native run-android 运行后会报错,如图 解决方法: 到你的已有android项目中复制一份local.properties文件到android文件夹下 如我就复制到Rndemo2AwesomeProjectandroid文件夹下 ...
Setting the SDK Path Now that we know where the SDK is, it is time to let react-native know. Option 1: Set with local.properties This method is very simple, and all that is needed is creating the file local.properties in the following folder, where Project_Folder is the base of your...
react-native run-android 1. 会启动js本地服务器 3、启动模拟器或者连接真机 4、执行过程中报错 sdk location not found,此时就需要手动指定一下sdk路径,进入根目录下的android目录,新建local.properties,指定sdk: sdk.dir=D\:\\sdk 1. B.通过android studio启动 ...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32634352/react-native-android-build-failed-sdk-location-not-found H:\Android-SDK sdk.dir = H:\Android-SDK Go to theandroid/directory of your react-native project Create a file calledlocal.propertieswith this line: ...
安装React Native 3.1 安装React Native npm install -g react-native-cli 4React Native 命令 4.1 创建一个工程 react-native init 项目名称 如需替换npm仓库为国内镜像 npm configsetregistry https://registry.npm.taobao.org npm configsetdisturl https://npm.taobao.org/dist ...