"@react-native-community/async-storage": "^1.11.0", "@react-native-community/clipboard": "^1.5.1", "@react-native-community/datetimepicker": "^3.0.9", "@react-native-community/geolocation": "^2.0.2", "@react-native-community/masked-view": "^0.1.10", "@react-native-community/netinfo...
If we have to share any small data between different users, we can use the QR Code.Generation of QR Code in React Nativeis very easy as we just have to installreact-native-svgandreact-native-qrcode-svgpackage, which will provide<QRCode/>component to make QRCode. QR Codeknown as Quick ...
经过搜索和实践之后,我发现react-native-qrcode-svg才是RN端真正有效的二维码生成库。集成也非常简单,使用npm install --save或者yarn add命令安装react-native-qrcode-svg、react-native-svg,然后react-native link react-native-svg就行了。 react-native-svg是react-native-qrcode-svg的基础库必须安装,由react-na...
https://github.com/xgqfrms/qrcode-reader-app #qrcode-reader-app$ react-native init qrcode_reader_app#iOS$cdqrcode_reader_app&&react-native run-ios#Open qrcode_reader_app\ios\qrcode_reader_app.xcodeproj in Xcode or run "xed -b ios"#Hit the Run button#Have an Android emulator running...
yarn add react-native-svg react-native-qrcode-svg Or npm i -S react-native-svg react-native-qrcode-svg If you are usingReact Native 0.60.+go to the folderyour-project/iosand runpod install, and you're done. If not, use one of the following method to link. ...
To install, run the following commands:npm install react-native-camera --save react-native link react-native-cameraNew Version/MigrationIf using an older version of this module with RCTCamera you will need to follow the docs here to move from the old RCTCamera to the new RNCamera. You ...
截图捕捉功能已经发布到 NPM,欢迎使用npm i react-native-screenshotcatch 原文地址:http://liu-hang.cn/2019/06/11/185-react-native-screen-shot-share/对一个 JSer 来说,用原生来实现一个功能着实不容易。但…
A demo app running on iOS:Create a QR code Scanner Native UI ComponentEnvironmentNode Android Studio XcodeInit a New Native UI Component Library ProjectRun the following command:npx create-react-native-library react-native-dynamsoft-barcode-scanner ...
react-native-fileupload 文件上传 react-native-icons 图标 react-native-image-picker 图片选择器 react-native-keychain iOSKeyChain管理 react-native-picker 滚轮选择器 react-native-picker-Android 安卓滚轮选择器 react-native-refreshable-listview 可刷新列表 ...
In the previous article, we run a QR code scanner in React-Native-WebView on Android and iOS. React Native can also run in a web browser with React Native Web, which uses React DOM to accurately render React Native compatible JavaScript code in a web page. In this article, we are......