If you are usingReact Native <= 0.59.X, link the native project: react-native link react-native-svg Examples importQRCodefrom'react-native-qrcode-svg';// Simple usage, defaults for all but the valuerender(){return(<QRCodevalue="http://awesome.link.qr"/>);}; ...
1. 安装 npm i -S react-native-svg react-native-qrcode-svg 2. 引入使用 默认用法 import QRCode from 'react-native-qrcode-svg'; // 不带logo render() { return
【RNOH】react-native-qrcode-svg和react-native-svg 问题
nodeper1楼•2 个月前
react-native-qr-svg 📱 A QR Code generator for React Native based on react-native-svg. Effortlessly create QR codes with a style reminiscent of modern designs.Installation 🚀Start by installing the necessary packages:yarn add react-native-svg react-native-qr-svgOverview...
React-native-qrcode-SVG中的奇怪行为 React-native-qrcode-SVG是一个用于生成二维码的React Native组件。它基于SVG(可缩放矢量图形)技术,可以在移动应用中轻松生成高质量的二维码。 React-native-qrcode-SVG的奇怪行为可能指的是一些不符合预期的行为或bug。在开发过程中,我们经常会遇到各种奇怪的问题,这些问题可能是...
本库HarmonyOS 侧实现依赖@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-svg 的原生端代码,如已在 HarmonyOS 工程中引入过该库,则无需再次引入,可跳过本章节步骤,直接使用。 如未引入请参照@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-svg-capi 文档的 Link 章节进行引入 约束与限制 兼容性 在以下版本验证通过 1.RNOH:0.72.27...
{ "name": "react-native-qrcode-svg", "version": "6.3.12", "description": "A QR Code generator for React Native based on react-native-svg and javascript-qrcode.", "main": "index.js", "types": "index.d.ts", "scripts": { "prepack": "rm -rf example", "test": "jest", "...
import QRCode from 'react-native-qrcode-svg'; import * as MediaLibrary from 'expo-media-library'; import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system'; let myQRCode = useRef(); const saveQRCodeToBase64 = () => { myQRCode.toDataURL((data) => { // console.log(data); // 输出二维码...
import QRCode from 'react-native-qrcode-svg'; // Simple usage, defaults for all but the value render() { return ( <QRCode value="http://awesome.link.qr" /> ); };// 30px logo from base64 string with transparent background render() { let base64Logo = 'data:image/png;base64,...