首先原来的GitHub Popular这个APP有些技术比较老了,比如Listview已经被废弃。作者采用了FlatList这个官方推荐的控件,相比Listview,FlatList性能比较高,具体想了解的可以去官网查看 在趋势模块导航中下拉框效果原作者使用了'Popover'这个第三方控件,但是由于react-native-navigation,必须要把视图加到window下,才能在导航栏上边显...
React Native can be used to build mobile apps and websites from a single codebase. Learn which companies use React Native.
GitHub Popular 这是一个用来查看GitHub最受欢迎与最热项目的App,它基于React Native支持Android和iOS双平台。 目录 功能与特性 下载安装 预览图 运行调试 ToDo 功能与特性 支持订阅 50 多种编程语言; 支持添加/删除编程语言,并支持自定义它们的排序; 支持收藏喜欢的项目; 支持多种颜色主题自由切换; 支持搜索,并自持...
使用react-native-tab-navigator库中的TabNavigator组件,使用_renderTab(Component, selectedTab, title, renderIcon)函数,生成tabbar中的4个tab,分别对应PopularPage、TrendingPage、FavoritePage、MyPage。 PopularPage页面 自定义NavigationBar,使用react-native-scrollable-tab-view库中的ScrollableTabView组件。每种编程语言...
GitHub Popular 这是一个用来查看GitHub最受欢迎与最热项目的App,它基于React Native支持Android和iOS双平台。 目录 功能与特性 下载安装 预览图 运行调试 ToDo 功能与特性 支持订阅 50 多种编程语言; 支持添加/删除编程语言,并支持自定义它们的排序; 支持收藏喜欢的项目; ...
React Native (RN) is now one of the most popular hybrid platforms for developing multifunctional and cross-platform mobile apps. The framework has been created and developed by Facebook. React Native was originally an internal project of Facebook and had the name Hackathon. A single framework an...
Now, React Native apps can be updated on both iOS and Android in parallel, making the entire process much simpler and faster. 4. Easy-to-Find React Native Developers When business owners are searching for a framework for their future native app, they more frequently choose the popular React ...
7 pros and cons of using popular react native libraries Alex Krasko Originally posted on February 16, 2022 TL;DR: Best React Native video player libraries include Banuba Video Editor SDK, React Native Video, React Native JW media player, and more; ...
慕课网实战课程:《React Native 开发跨平台 GitHub App》Demo. Contribute to knightsj/GitHubPopular-SJ development by creating an account on GitHub.
React Native & app demos https://github.com/ReactNativeNews/React-Native-Apps https://github.com/Codebrahma/React-Native-Restaurant-App https://github.com/insiderdev/qrcode bug https://github.com/crazycodeboy/GitHubPopular