首先原来的GitHub Popular这个APP有些技术比较老了,比如Listview已经被废弃。作者采用了FlatList这个官方推荐的控件,相比Listview,FlatList性能比较高,具体想了解的可以去官网查看 在趋势模块导航中下拉框效果原作者使用了'Popover'这个第三方控件,但是由于react-native-navigation,必须要把视图加到window下,才能在导航栏上边显...
React Native (RN) is now one of the most popular hybrid platforms for developing multifunctional and cross-platform mobile apps. The framework has been created and developed by Facebook. React Native was originally an internal project of Facebook and had the name Hackathon. A single framework an...
GitHubPopular:基于React Native的查看、阅读、收藏GitHub上 最受欢迎的开源项目的APP,不仅如此,它还是一款GitHub Trending的客户端。 React Native官方Demo:React Native官方Demo,汇集了各种组件,API的使用Examples。 Facebook F8 App:基于React Native 的2016 F8大会APP。 HackerNews-React-Native:Hacker 新闻客户端。
使用react-native-tab-navigator库中的TabNavigator组件,使用_renderTab(Component, selectedTab, title, renderIcon)函数,生成tabbar中的4个tab,分别对应PopularPage、TrendingPage、FavoritePage、MyPage。 PopularPage页面 自定义NavigationBar,使用react-native-scrollable-tab-view库中的ScrollableTabView组件。每种编程语言...
It runs on its actual, native views and components. This is one of the major reasons behind React Native’s spectacular success. Apps built using React Native: Examples React Native has been used to build some of the most popular mobile applications which include: Facebook Instagram Pinterest ...
Advantages of React Native #1 Boasts of Lower Development Cost and Faster Delivery #2 Feels like native and is as fast as native #3 Written in the most popular programming language in the world #4 Considered the most popular cross-platform framework for mobile development #5 Is highly...
React Native was open-sourced in 2015, and it’s come a long way since. It is now the most popular framework on the market for delivering universal mobile applications. React Native is the framework of choice for software companies such as Microsoft, Instagram, Bloomberg, Uber, Pinterest. A...
Appium is a popular open-source mobile app testing framework that automates Android, iOS, and Windows tests. It integrates seamlessly with React Native apps, allows you to perform React Native testing for mobile apps, mobile web, and hybrid apps, and executes test cases using the WebDriver inte...
2.React Native Paper This project has 10.3K stars and 1.9K forks onGithub, and is another popular UI component library for React Native app dets for developers to use in their apps. React Native Paper Demo One of the key differentiators of React Native Paper is its focus on providing a ...
Popular open-source tool NativeBase allows React Native to be developed into outstanding mobile apps. It provides a complete set of pre-designed UI components and themes that fit any app’s needs with simple adaptation. Its adaptability helps developers to have the option to either use the alrea...