This repository is a template for React Native Expo applications. It integrates Expo Router and React Native Paper. It also demonstrates how to use Github Actions for linting and formatting. Features Expo Expo Router Material Design V3 Cross Platform LTR and RTL support Multi lingual (ar, en and...
Material Design Dropdown Component using React Native Paper, now also with multiselect Dependencies react-native-paper Installation yarn add react-native-paper-dropdown or npm i react-native-paper-dropdown Documentation : DemoAbout...
Material design for React Native. Latest version: 5.13.1, last published: 2 months ago. Start using react-native-paper in your project by running `npm i react-native-paper`. There are 581 other projects in the npm registry using react-native-paper.
将主题应用于特定组件很容易;React Native Paper带有两个默认主题,即浅色和深色,你可以进行扩展。它还使用react-native-vector-icons库来支持并正确使用图标在按钮、浮动操作按钮、列表等中。 React Native Paper相关资料 文档 包含对Expo的支持 GitHub 在线示例 React Native Elements 作为最古老和最容易入门的库之一,R... Homepage Weekly Downloads 3 Version 3.0.6 License MIT Unpacked Size 32.6 kB Total Files 44 Last publish 4 years ago Collaborators Tryon RunKit Reportmalware...
React Native 是由 Facebook(现 Meta)推出的开源跨平台移动应用开发框架,允许开发者使用 JavaScript 和 React 语法构建接近原生体验的 iOS 和 Android 应用。以下是其技术特点、优缺点及适用场景的详细分析: 一、React Native 的核心技术特点 跨平台开发
CloneGitHubPopular, and goto the project root directory. runnpm i. runreact-native run-iosorreact-native run-android. Yeah. You make it. ToDo V2.0 planning Sliding hide NavBar Text support large, medium and small Support night mode
react-native-paper react-native-ui-lib 首先,对于这4款组件库的Github代码仓库,数据对比结果如图所示: 数据来源于截止 2022/1/22 最近关闭的100个issue与PR 以下逐一进行说明: react-native-elements 官网 组件数:30+ Contributors: 329 Issues(Open+Close):97+1769 PR(Open+Clos...
ForkBy: 修复github上的组件react-native-doc-viewer问题。
**/'use strict';varReact = require('react-native');var{ AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, Image, View, TextInput, ListView, }=React;varGIT_URL = '';varAwesonProject =React.createClass({/*-- lifecycle -...