import{NativeAppEventEmitter}from'react-native';varsubscription=NativeAppEventEmitter.addListener('EventReminder',(reminder)=>console.log(;// 千万不要忘记忘记取消订阅, 通常在componentWillUnmount函数中实现。subscription.remove(); 曾走过的路 ...
Reflecting on React Native development React-Native layout examples React Native in Production - notes from Clay Allsop What we learned after using React Native for a year - Problem faced when building Smartwatch companion app with React Native An iOS Developer on React Native React Native and Web...
#Transform this into a `node_require` generic function:-# Resolve react_native_pods.rb with node to allow for hoisting-require Pod::Executable.execute_command('node', ['-p',-'require.resolve(-"react-native/scripts/react_native_pods.rb",-{paths: [process.argv[1]]},-)', __dir__])....
React Native in Production - notes from Clay Allsop An iOS Developer on React Native React Native and WebRTC How to bridge a Swift view How to select the right React Native database Building a Native SoundCloud Android app with Redux - discussing redux, code reuse and performance on Android....
React Native Notes 21: Android HTTP Network Security Problem Fix Android: Cannot send data to the server. CLEARTEXT communication to not permitted by the network security policy. Dec 14, 2019 In FreakyCoder Software Blog by Kuray Ogun iOS Notes 47 : How to solve ...
React Native Notes 31: Android 13 - Installed Build Tools revision 33.0.0 Caused by: Installed Build Tools revision 33.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again… Jan 3, 2023 In FreakyCoder Software Blog by Kuray Ogun Android...
Use native browser API over custom APIs You should favor browser events for communication instead of building a global pub/sub system; keep cross-team APIs simple. Advantages of using a micro-frontend Simply put, micro-frontends make web applications more maintainable. If you’ve ever been part...
firebase.database().ref('notes/').on('child_added', (data)=>{this.notes.push(data.val()); }) } handleChange(e){this.setState({ note: e.nativeEvent.text }) } handleSubmit(){ let note=this.state.note; firebase.database().ref('notes/').push({ ...
In the react native app, we have the ability to create links and navigate to system settings. In addition to the standard input to the application settings described in the official documentation, we also have the option of choosing to navigate to specific system settings, such as WiFi communic...
Notes on client-side routing GitHub Pages doesn’t support routers that use the HTML5 pushState history API under the hood (for example, React Router using browserHistory). This is because when there is a fresh page load for a url like, where /todo...