版本兼容性问题:首先,确保你使用的React Native Maps库的版本与你的React Native版本兼容。你可以查看React Native Maps的官方文档或GitHub页面,了解哪些版本是兼容的。 事件绑定问题:确保你正确地绑定了地图上的事件。React Native Maps提供了一些事件,如onPress、onLongPress、onMarkerPress等。你需要在地图组件上使用这...
我找不到任何关于MapView的onLoad属性的文档,所以我使用onLayout作为suggested here。您将需要使用Marker的...
我找不到任何关于MapView的onLoad属性的文档,所以我使用onLayout作为suggested here。您将需要使用Marker的...
onMapReady={() => {this.map.fitToSuppliedMarkers(['mk1','mk2'],{ edgePadding:...
React Native Maps : inaccurate marker location when updating dynamically the marker coordinates via socket io client I am trying to update the marker coordinates using socket io client, there's no error shown, but the marker location in the map is not as accurate as expected. Please check my...
I am adding airbnb map view to existing android native application. I am using RN 0.40 and react-native-maps 0.13.0. after the react-link commands. Then android always have the Warning: Native component for "AIRMap" does not exist. Running application "App" with appParams: {"initialProps...
React Native Elements NativeBase React Native UI Kitten RNUI: React Native UI Library Teaset Shoutem UI Lottie for React Native React Native Maps React Native Gifted Chat 对于每个组件库,我将提供一个摘要、一些突出的特点和有用的链接,这样你就可以根据你的设计目标选择一个。
rn_maps_path = '../node_modules/react-native-maps' pod 'react-native-maps', path: rn_maps_path pod 'react-native-google-maps', :path => rn_maps_path pod 'GoogleMaps' pod 'Google-Maps-iOS-Utils', :git => 'https://github.com/googlemaps/google-maps-ios-utils' use_native...
我一直在尝试按照这个https://github.com/airbnb/react-native-maps教程操作,但是我在Android Studio模拟器上运行时遇到了空白屏幕。我的代码:...Android Emulator not showing Google Maps on Screen
目前 React Native 新架构所依赖的 React 18 已经发了 beta 版,React Native 新架构面向生态库和核心...