npm i react-native-image-slider-box yarn add react-native-image-slider-box (Optional) : if you want to use third-party image library such as FastImage npm i react-native-fast-image yarn add react-native-fast-image Well-done. Usage : list of available props for customization Slider...
npm i react-native-image-slider-box yarn add react-native-image-slider-box (Optional) : if you want to use third-party image library such as FastImage npm i react-native-fast-image yarn add react-native-fast-image Well-done. Usage : ...
A pure JavaScript version of the <Slider> component for react-native and react-native-web. This can be a direct replacement for the Slider component from react-native/@react-native-community. Ideas and contributions are very welcome. Try it out live on Expo Snack. Install yarn add @miblancha...
github地址是: 1)引入swiper,前面也提到了require. var Swiper = require('react-native-swiper'); 2)使用swiper,将轮播图封装成单独的组件 var sliderImgs = [ '', 'http:...
simple-radio-button单选按钮 check-box多选框 highly-customizable-action-sheetaction-sheet ...
react-native-modal ★1728 - An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal nachos-ui ★1684 - NACHOS UI kit for React Native. Pick from a bunch of pre-coded UI components ready for your next kick-ass app in JavaScript or React. react-native-mapbox-gl ★1663 - A Mapbox GL ...
react-native-modal ★1728 - An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal nachos-ui ★1684 - NACHOS UI kit for React Native. Pick from a bunch of pre-coded UI components ready for your next kick-ass app in JavaScript or React. react-native-mapbox-gl ★1663 - A Mapbox GL ...
PropertyTypeDescription displayType string (default 'triggered') puzzle image display type. enum('triggered', 'embedded') slideTips string (default '向右滑动左侧箭头填充拼图') slide tips showed in slide boxReadme Keywords react-native slide verify puzzle ios android...
href="" 3.6 容器 元素是与布局设计有特定关系的:内部的一切都不再使用flexbox布局而是使用文本布局。这意味着一 个内部的元素不在是矩形的,而是在结尾的时候被包装起来。 3.7 有限制性的样式继承 ...
airbnb/lottie-react-native bodymovin animations react-native after-effects react react-native-vector-icons 12506 Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source and full styling. oblador/react-native-vector-icons react-native icon icon-pack ui react-na...