React Hook Form Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation. DemoGet Started▶ React WebReact Native DX Intuitive, feature-complete API providing a seamless experience to developers when building forms. HTML standard ...
React Native You will get the same performance boost and enhancement in React Native. To integrate with input component, you can wrap it with Controller. import { Text, View, TextInput, Button, Alert } from "react-native"; import { useForm, Controller } from "react-hook-form"; export def...
与React Native 兼容 支持浏览器原生校验 地址: 使用案例: 复制 import Reactfrom"react";import { useForm }from"react-hook-form";functionApp() {const { register, handleSubmit, errors } = useForm();const onSubmit = (data) => {// logs {fi...
React Hook Form Child Component A Child Component B Child Component C VS Controlled Form Child Component A Child Component B Child Component C 监听输入值变化 构建表单时,性能对用户体验是非常重要的一部分。您可以监听的独立的输入值变化而无须重渲染整个表单。
ReactNative Hook ReactNative Hook 对比iOS, 有点类似于runtime机制. 也有点类似于重写属性的某些方法, 比如把组件看做某个属性, 重写了didSet,didGet,setter,getter方法等等. useState useState 是允许你在 React 函数组件中添加 state 的 Hook, 就是在不编写 class 的情况下使用 state 以及其他的 React 特性...
Embraces native HTML form validation Out of the box integration with UI libraries Small size and no dependencies Support Yup, Zod, AJV, Superstruct, Joi and others Install npm install react-hook-form Quickstart import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'; function App() { const { register,...
<ExampleTabs name="input-with-field" /> ### Hook Form Here's an example of how to integrate the textarea with `react-hook-form`. <ExampleTabs name="textarea-with-hook-form" /> ### Resize Use the `resize` prop to control the resize behavior of the textarea. 1 change: 1 addition...
与React Native 兼容 支持浏览器原生校验 地址: 使用案例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 importReactfrom"react";import{useForm}from"react-hook-form";functionApp(){const{register,handleSubmit,errors}=useForm();constonSubmit=(data)=>{// logs {firstNam...
采纳与使用react-hook-form已经有两年以上的时间了,稍微整理一下这个库的情况; 整体来说在表单方案还是很推荐使用的,他们维护更新得也很勤快,在React/ReactNative都能顺畅使用; 整体采纳趋势 从整体势头来看 react-hook-form 对比其他同类库呈明显的上升趋势,已经成为npm的 top1; ...
React Native是一种用于构建跨平台移动应用程序的开发框架。它允许开发人员使用JavaScript和React编写应用程序,并在iOS和Android等多个平台上运行。 在React Native中使用Hook来呈现来自API的数据是一种常见的做法。Hook是React 16.8版本引入的新特性,它允许我们在无需编写类组件的情况下使用状态和其他React功能。