我们的应用现在只渲染 Header 这个组件,在 Header 下面,我们将创建 About 组件来显示一个简单的 Text。当向下滚动的时候这个 Text 将从左边滑入。 我们还需要做一些操作: 使用state 来维护组件的 className。 当用户滚动一定数量的像素时,则将状态设置为另一个类名。 构建一个函数用户处理滚动操作。 ***App > ...
.state.scrollY.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, HEADER_SCROLL_DISTANCE], outputRange: [0, 1], extrapolate: 'clamp', }); return ( <View style={styles.fill}> <ScrollView style={styles.fill} scrollEventThrottle={16} onScroll={Animated.event( [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {y: this.state....
onScroll={Animated.event( [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {y: this.state.scrollY}}}] )} 和我的Animated.View它的内部看起来像这样: <Animated.View style={[ {marginTop: 30, alignSelf: 'flex-start' }, {translateX: headerTranslateX} ]}]}> <Text>Title</Text> </Animated.View> A和插值:...
import{ImageHeaderScrollView,TriggeringView}from'react-native-image-header-scroll-view';// Inside of a component's render() method:render(){return(<ImageHeaderScrollViewmaxHeight={200}minHeight={MIN_HEIGHT}headerImage={require("../../assets/NZ.jpg")}renderForeground={()=>(<Viewstyle={{height...
If this height is reached, a refresh event will be triggered (onStartRefresh) it defaults to 80 scrollEnabled(boolean) Whether to allow the scene to slide vertically Install npm ireact-native-scrollable-tab-view-collapsible-header Repository ...
Thereact-native-tab-viewexample app was used as a template for the demos. Demo DefaultSnaprevealHeaderOnScrollrevealHeaderOnScroll + Snap Features UI thread animations and interactions High customizability FullTypeScriptsupport Lazy loading with fade-in animation ...
Why use sticky headers in React Native apps? Typically, the collapsible header technique is used to hide the least-needed parts of the header to free up more space for the scroll view, as seen in the Google Play mobile app example below. The use of animation also adds a smooth and frien...
animate() { this.animation = Animated.sequence([ Animated.timing(this.backgroundValue, { toValue: 1, duration: 1200, useNativeDriver: true }), Animated.timing(this.backgroundValue, { toValue: 0, duration: 1200, useNativeDriver: true }) ]); this.animation.start(({ finished }) => { ...
SmartRefreshHeader'; // types import type {ScrollViewProps} from 'react-native'; type Props = { children?: ScrollViewProps; onRefresh: () => void; }; // 下拉动画 const fruitsAnimation = require('../../assets/bouncing-fruits.json'); // 下拉刷新头部高度 const HEADER_HEIGHT = 70; ...
map.set(el, animation); ob.observe(el); // return animation; }, unmounted(el) { ob.unobserve(el); } } 代码解释:利用元素自带的 animate API,给指令挂载的元素添加动画。在一开始全部都暂停,并将当前元素作为唯一key,存入动画对象到 map 中。最后开启IntersectionObserver监听。