在去年的开发者大会(Build 2019)上,微软也宣布了一个性能取向的“React Native for Windows”实施方案。 自那时以来,软件巨头便一直与 Facebook 的 React Native 团队紧密合作,以便在 Windows 和 macOS 上为 React Native 提供更好的支持。昨日,Facebook 宣布与 微软 达成了更进一步的合作,通过创建一个新...
https://microsoft.github.io/react-native-windows/ Build for Windows Take your apps across PC, Xbox, Surface Tablets, and dual-screens with our robust Windows extension to React Native. https://github.com/microsoft/react-native-windows Build for macOS Extend your desktop experience to more than ...
Visit the officialReact Native for Windows + macOS websiteto learn more. 🛣️ Roadmap Check out our blogif you'd like to stay up to date on the status of React Native for Windows and check out current and past roadmaps. New Architecture ...
React Native has great documentation. React Native for Windows adds its own separate Windows and macOS documentation for desktop platform information like API docs and blog updates. Examples Using the CLI in the Getting Started guide will set you up with a sample React Native for Windows app that...
对于其他的浏览器方案,基本可以抛弃了,现在我们讨论移动跨平台开发主要说的是React Native和Flutter,React Native和Flutter在应用开发上,效率差不多,不过要强调性能的话,还是Flutter为最佳选择。由于现在大家都开始使用Flutter来开发应用,导致React Native的学习资料越来越少。
最近做公司项目时使用到了React Native,首先需要在公司电脑上配置React Native的开发环境。公司电脑是mac本,那就按照React Native中文网站一步步配置macOS开发平台的开发环境。中间遇到了很多问题,总结一下解决方法把它们一一记录下来。 问题1:必须安装的依赖有:Node、Watchman 和 React Native 命令行工具以及 JDK 和 And...
Native desktop apps:React Native for Windows + macOSenables you to build native desktop applications with JavaScript that run across various types of desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, Xbox, and Mixed Reality devices. It supports both theWindows SDKandmacOS SDK. ...
give it a try on my product… but I use a Mac as my development device.”Many developers were excited by React Native for Windows, but thought they were unable to give the platform a try because they used a Mac as their development machine and didn’t have access to a Windows device....
React Native配置和使用(OS X) 个人比较喜欢react的函数式编程方式,native采用同样的方式写原生app,所以也开始学习react native,首先是环境配置以及跑起来第一个ios和android应用。 环境配置 操作系统使用mac os x进行开发。官方也是将os x作为最高优先级来支持,不过windows和linux可以进行Android开发。
Flutter 无疑是 Flutter for desktop 与 HummingBird,而 React Native 则无疑是 Facebook 正在进行的...