So to use the preview version it is needed to disable or remove the stable version and reload VS Code. About the extension This VS Code extension provides a development environment for React Native and Expo projects. Using this extension, you can debug your code and quickly run react-native ...
1 点击VS Code左边debug按钮或者按下CMD+SHIFT+D。2 选择调试环境。launch.json被自动创建。3 启动iOS Simulator(注意型号与launch.json中的一致)。{ "name": "Debug iOS", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/launchReactNative.js", "type": "reactnative", "request": "launch", "...
Recently, we released CodePush functionality in the React Native (RN) Tools extension for VS Code. CodePush is a feature in Visual Studio App Center that allows React Native and Cordova developers to push updates instantly over-the-air to end users. This...
首先要确保你已经安装了相关的React Native开发环境,并配置了开发环境。 安装VS Code方法非常简单,去github上下载插件,直接安装在电脑就可以了。 插件地址: 它具有打开文件夹功能,定位到React Native项目的根目录直接使用文件夹打开功能就可以,这样就可以把整个项目目录...
Could not debug. Unable to set up communication with VSCode react-native extension. Is this a react-native project, and have you made sure that the react-native npm package is installed at the root? 解决方法:当时我全局安装的react-native-cli版本为最新的2.0.0,可能是这个版本的Bug,需要回退到1....
它具有打开文件夹功能,定位到React Native项目的根目录直接使用文件夹打开功能就可以,这样就可以把整个项目目录放进去了。 效果如下: 调试环境 安装调试环境 点击VS Code左边菜单上的按钮 ,然后点击configure左端最上面的设置按钮 ,选择 React Native 调试环境。
ReactNativeis a great way to build native, cross platform app for iOS and Android using JavaScript. We recentlyannouncedthe launch of aVisual Studio Code Extensionthat enables you to build, debug and preview Apache Cordova apps. And today we’re pleased to announce the availability a similarext...
从网上翻阅了一些开发react-native的开发工具时,发现其实可选的工具还是比较多的Sublime Text,WebStrom,Atom+Nuclide,vs code 等。因为我用.net生态环境的ide比较多,所以当看到有vs code时,就毫无犹豫的选择了它作为react-native的开发工具。 vs code是一个开源的,而且linux,windows,mac环境都可以支持,通过插件安装...
插件名React Native Tools微软官方开发的vscode下 React Native的开发辅助工具ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React Na...
React-Native/React/Redux snippets for es6/es718 在VS Code 中支持 React Native,React,Redux 常见代码片段的插件。 TODO Highlight19 在VS Code 中支持 TODO:,FIXME: 等类型注释关键词高亮的插件。