Boilerplate 非季度建造 ## Typescript + React + React Native + GraphQL + Prisma 包括用户身份验证 React React Native Expo TypeGraphQL Prisma Web、应用程序和API monorepo Next.js TypeScript Postgres Apollo Client Apollo Server Express React钩形 Chakra UI 自定义主题和暗模式 Eslint Prettier Graph...
TypeScript1,870MIT39286UpdatedNov 19, 2024 redux-injectorsPublic Asynchronous injectors for Redux reducers and sagas. As used by react-boilerplate. react-boilerplatePublic template 🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best ...
On**ne 上传301KB 文件格式 zip react redux boilerplate typescript webpack jsapp样板 适用于近端生产的前端应用程序的个人JavaScript样板。 生产部署将需要额外的工作,具体取决于您计划在何处以及如何部署应用程序,因为此样板仅提供对GitHub页面的部署。 该样板包含: 陈述,陈述 ui框架 状态管理 react-...
ReactNativeTS ⚠️ Not maintained anymore, better check Microsoft/TypeScript-React-Native-Starter. Minimal template of a React Native project with Typescript. This project has been updated but the Medium guide has not. Please, use this repository as reference. Recommended usage with VSCode Get...
Placeholder package. Latest version: 1.1.1, last published: a month ago. Start using typescript-react-redux-boilerplate in your project by running `npm i typescript-react-redux-boilerplate`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using typescrip
Pre-configured Electron.js + React.js + TypeScript boilerplate with Webpack v4 & linters config predefined. This boilerplate currently works on macOS and Windows. If something doesn't work, pleasefile and issue. Getting started // execute ...
Intro This boilerplate is made for creating chrome extensions using React and Typescript. The focus was on improving the build speed and development experience with Vite. Features React 18 TypeScript Vite SASS ESLint Prettier Chrome Extension Manifest Version 3 ...
git clone my-app-name What’s Included? Navigation System React NavigationV6 React Navigation Helpers Ready to use Stack and Tab Screens with navigation Built-in Theme System ...
Ignite - the hottest React Native boilerplate Battle-tested React Native boilerplate The culmination of five years of constant React Native development, Ignite is the most popular React Native app boilerplate for both Expo and bare React Native. ...
上面使用了useLogin.tsx来单独维护业务逻辑. 可以被 web 平台和 native 平台的代码复用. 不仅仅是业务逻辑, 展示组件逻辑也可以分离. 例如上图,FilePicker和ImagePicker两个组件的’文件上传’逻辑是共享的, 这部分逻辑可以抽取到高阶组件或者 hooks, 甚至是 Context 中(可以统一配置文件上传行为) ...