"expo-status-bar": "~1.2.0", "react": "17.0.1", "react-dom": "17.0.1", "react-native": "0.64.3", "react-native-root-toast": "^3.3.0", "react-native-safe-area-context": "^4.2.4", "react-native-vector-icons": "^9.1.0", "react-native-web": "0.17.1" }, "devDepende...
expo cli创建的react native项目配置环境变量 package.json: {"name":"m-app2","version":"1.0.0","main":"node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js","scripts": {"start":"cross-env REACT_APP_MODE=test expo start","start2":"cross-env REACT_APP_MODE=prod expo start","android":"expo start --androi...
这是您在 Expo 中为不同环境设置 env 变量的方法: 1.在您的存储库的根目录创建 app.config.js 文件 2.填充文件,它应该看起来像这样: import ‘dotenv/config’; export default { name: 'APP_NAME', version: '1.0.0', extra: { environment: 'dev' ...
I was able to get it working, I had to fully restart Expo so that it would reload my .env file and now I can access environment variables with process.env.REACT_NATIVE_BASE_URL. The hot reloading doesn't reload the .env file though so after the first run my environment variable go ...
I know that ”the right way” is a bold statement, but let’s first agree on what ”the right way” means when managing environment variables in React Native. For me, the correct approach should be: Easy: It should be straightforward to add new variables and use them in the code. ...
Expo搭建项目有两种方式:一种是通过 Expo 的脚手架expo-cli;一种是通过create-react-native-app。本文采用第一种。 1、安装 expo-cli npm install expo-cli --global 2、创建项目 expo init my-new-project 会有两类模板让你选择:托管工作流,裸露工作流(感觉叫原生工作流更好理解点。详情见Workflows) ...
简单来说,Expo 是建立在React Native之上的一个更高层次的框架,它提供了许多 React Native 所没有的功能和便利,如简化的跨平台开发、丰富的库和工具、以及便捷的调试和部署服务。 Expo 的核心功能如下: 跨平台支持:Expo允许开发者使用React和Java编写代码,然后这些代码可以在Android、iOS和Web平台上原生运行,实现“...
1) rn版本0.59以上,下载需要的依赖后不在需要react-native link链接项目。但是在使用expo下载后,程序依然会报错,重新启动程序就好了 2) 使用expo init生成的项目会带有app.json文件,但是直接使用会报错,主要将assetBundlePatterns字段值修改为assets/,不然会报错forEach of undefined,添加sdkVersion字段,指定sdk版本,修改...