I encountered an issue while building an Expo project where the Gradle build fails with the error: :ReactNative:Running '[node, /home/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli/build/bin.js, config]' command failed. FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. Where: Script ...
An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web. - expo/android/ReactAndroid/build.gradle at 58fa52e3e3e29b7a852a814b2d5bb54f4a8e1065 · expo/expo
PS:你应该避免使用expo eject,只有当你需要修改本地代码时才这样做。
1.可以forkhttps://github.com/crossplatformkorea/react-native-kakao-login 1.更改kotlin-gradle插件版...
include':react-native-permissions'project(':react-native-permissions').projectDir=newFile(rootProject.projectDir,'../node_modules/react-native-permissions/android') Add the implementation line to the dependencies inandroid/app/build.gradle: dependencies{//...implementation project(':react-native-permiss...
:app:prepareLintJarForPublish”。查看这里以获得更多信息。原来EAS默认是使用JDK 8。
If you're gettingInvariant Violation: Native component for "RNCWebView does not exist"it likely means you forgot to runreact-native linkor there was some error with the linking process If you encounter a build error during the task:app:mergeDexRelease, you need to enable multidex support in...
/android/app/build.gradle with it. Confirm that the app still works After all the changes you’ve made to the app so far, it’s a good idea to run the app to make sure that it still works. ⚛️ Run the app by entering
For me I had to upgrade some packages (full expo and so on) and downgrade some, change node version -> to be able to build release apk. Don't know exact problem chris-gooley commentedon May 26, 2023 chris-gooley @chris-gooleyso, I noticed that my local env is not fully sync with...
An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web. - Gradle Build Failed due to Node Process Failure in React Native on Expo - AndroidManifest.xml Fix · expo/expo@e765ddb