配合React native使用的UI库:https://react-native-training.github.io/react-native-elements/ 1. 新建项目:http://www.cnblogs.com/zhengyeye/p/7567509.html(不赘述了) 2. 执行 react-native run-android 安装app在手机或者模拟机上;突然才发现RN版本升级后,项目目录结构变得更简洁了: 新版的为用户节省了很多...
import{Button}from'react-native-elements';<Button/>; Components included: [x]Avatar [x]Badge [x]BottomSheet [x]Button [x]ButtonGroup [x]Card [x]CheckBox [x]Divider [x]FAB [x]Header [x]HTML style headings [x]Icon [x]Image [x]Input ...
import React, { Component } from 'react' import { View, TouchableWithoutFeedback, Animated, Easing } from 'react-native' import styled from 'styled-components' import { pxw, pxh } from '../px' import { Overlay } from 'react-native-elements' export default class Turntable2 extends Compone...
React Native Elements just like on mobile can be used in your web projects. This is possible usingreact-native-web. We'll highlight how to set this up using create-react-app. Why do I have to set this up? On the web, you can usually use UI libraries directly from npm without ...
Cross-Platform React Native UI Toolkit. Contribute to react-native-elements/react-native-elements development by creating an account on GitHub.
React Native Paper React Native Elements NativeBase React Native UI Kitten RNUI: React Native UI Library Teaset Shoutem UI Lottie for React Native React Native Maps React Native Gifted Chat 对于每个组件库,我将提供一个摘要、一些突出的特点和有用的链接,这样你就可以根据你的设计目标选择一个。
Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit. Contribute to Nickynodejs/react-native-elements development by creating an account on GitHub.
react-native-elements NativeBase react-native-paper react-native-ui-lib 目前,在团队的react-native项目中,我们使用基础组件基本可以划分为以下三类: 对react-native原生提供的组件进行二次封装后的基础组件,例如:Button。 通过npm安装的第三方基础组件,例如:Accordion。 少数直接复制第三方组件库中代码,以应对...
react-native 插件汇总 部分自己搜集 部分 来自别的网站 第三方路由插件 react-native-router-flux react-native-scrollable-tab-view 选项卡 测滑动菜单 react-native-ezsidemenu react-native-side-menu react-native-table-component talbe插件 基于react-navigation组件的自定义 head 视图 ...
API参考 地图服务 React Native SDK Overlay Overlay 更新时间: 2020-03-30 01:53 本文导读 1 数据类型 2 属性 3 事件 1 数据类型 LatLng 包含经纬度信息的简单对象。 字段 类型 Latitude 数值型 Longitude 数值型 2 属性 属性 类型 描述 image ImageSource 覆盖物的自定义图标。仅支持本地图片资源以及URI...