import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import { Dropdown } from 'react-native-element-dropdown'; import AntDesign from '@expo/vector-icons/AntDesign'; const data = [ { label: 'Item 1', value: '1' }, { label: 'Item 2', value: '...
npm install react-native-element-dropdown --save or yarn add react-native-element-dropdown Demo Dropdown Props PropsParamsisRequireDescription mode 'default' or 'modal' of 'auto' No Mode 'modal' is show the dropdown in the middle of the screen. data Array Yes Data is a plain array labe...
Public Simple DropDown menu for your app! Please take a look at the example. Readme Keywords react-component react-native
A react-native dropdown component for both iOS and Android.. Latest version: 1.0.2, last published: 3 years ago. Start using react-native-modal-dropdown in your project by running `npm i react-native-modal-dropdown`. There are 33 other projects in the np
npm i --save react-native-modal-dropdown or yarn add react-native-modal-dropdown Usage Basic Import this module: importModalDropdownfrom'react-native-modal-dropdown'; Use as a component: <ModalDropdownoptions={['option 1','option 2']}/> ...
react-native-dropdownalert 一种非常漂亮的alert弹窗方式,从状态栏往下弹窗; react-native-simple-radio-button 单选按钮; react-native-swiper react-native-macos macos桌面应用 react-native-wechat 集成微信相关SDK react-native-modalbox 模态弹窗 react-native-touch-id 指纹登录 ...
Dropdown Item picker with search and autocomplete (typeahead) functionality for react native - onmotion/react-native-autocomplete-dropdown
Compile the whole solution (again, it will take a while because of the C++ projects), then right click on the UWP project and choose. Make sure that, in the configuration dropdown, you choose an architecture which is suitable for your computer, like x86 or x64. The defau...
"usesCleartextTraffic": true } } ] ] "expo-build-properties": "^0.11.0", 2 equireNativeComponent: "RNCAndroidDropdownPicker" was not found in the UIManager. npm install react-native-picker-select...
npm install react-native-element-dropdown --save or yarn add react-native-element-dropdown RN Version < 0.60 react-native link react-native-element-dropdown IOS cd ios && pod install Demo Dropdown Props MultiSelect Props Usage import React, {useState} from 'react'; ...