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Repository files navigation README MIT license react-native-documents A set of React Native modules for document picking and viewing. Read the docs at If this is useful to you, consider saying thanks. Your support is greatly appreciated!!!About...
1、在终端执行react-native init MyApp创建的ReactNative项目版本号与你终端安装的ReactNative版本号相同 2、在终端执行react-native init MyApp --version 0.44.0可指定ReactNative版本创建项目 二、TabNavigator使用 1、在终端执行命令npm install react-native-tab-navigator --save进行安装(加...
most likely you will run into issue with header files not found as described here ("Changing Native Dependencies"). It will be helpful to follow these steps to have it compiled successfully: ...
Hermes 是 Facebook 在 2019 年发布的新一代 JS Engine,Hermes 是一款小巧轻便的 JavaScript 引擎,专门针对在 Android 上运行 React Native 进行了优化:应用启动时间减少、减少内存使用量并缩小应用程序大小,此外因为它采用 JavaScript 标准实现,所以很容易在 React Native 应用中集成。
Hermes 是一个开源的 JavaScript 引擎,专为 React Native 优化设计,采用AOT 生成字节码形式,提前编译...
$ react-native link react-native-doc-viewer CocoaPods installation If your project uses CocoaPods to manage React installation (especially with Expo-detached project), most likely you will run into issue with header files not found as described here (
x滌絢 ,Iv鰸竣 cLS曊 濁. q遢i $ $讶Wu屙 簷Y坊o醻 鹓k D歝揬 s嘪q鵝蚏朄X -
x滌靳w壑 0鼂 娟ibX S = q -婉罦 棇 楾长璯菛c荎6譾 8vm巧漤|韉襱:濚 螜び 姅%YR揘銭琅]烕<蟷痘}穘磀徧( b0洁ay]旞 迏g縖~攢 剸`0 h篳淴0 q戁, 3(LK8盽IBЛj苽嘢CP@亷 糮I湴杓 蓯yQ Y8 k1]〆 6逜嗰wS4鐓a粱 6 洴...
x滌靳w壑 0鼂 娟ibX S = q -婉罦 棇 楾长璯菛c荎6譾 8vm巧漤|韉襱:濚 螜び 姅%YR揘銭琅]烕<蟷痘}穘磀徧( b0洁ay]旞 迏g縖~攢 剸`0 h篳淴0 q戁, 3(LK8盽IBЛj苽嘢CP@亷 糮I湴杓 蓯yQ Y8 k1]〆 6逜嗰wS4鐓a粱 6 洴...