🇦🇶 Country picker provides a modal allowing a user to select a country from a list. It display a flag next to each country name. - xcarpentier/react-native-country-picker-modal
An enhanced React Native modal. Latest version: 13.0.1, last published: 3 years ago. Start using react-native-modal in your project by running `npm i react-native-modal`. There are 647 other projects in the npm registry using react-native-modal.
npm:npm i react-native-country-picker-samcode yarn:yarn add react-native-country-picker-samcode Example Basic usage Modal import{CountryPicker}from"react-native-country-picker-samcode";exportdefaultfunctionApp(){const[show,setShow]=useState(false);const[countryCode,setCountryCode]=useState('');ret...
$ npm install react-native-region-country-picker --save OR $ yarn add react-native-region-country-picker Example import CountryPicker from "react-native-region-country-picker"; let countryPickerRef = undefined; // use countryPickerRef countryPickerRef.open(); countryPickerRef.close(); <Count...
react-native-modal-datetime-picker 此列表的最后一个是react-native-modal-datetime-picker,这是一个开源包,其内部使用了 React Native DateTimePicker。这使得它能够支持所有的 React Native DateTimePicker 的属性,同时增强了开发者的体验: 这个库在 GitHub 上有 2.9k 颗星,npm 每周下载量超过 200k+。它的最后一...
react-native-country-picker ★8 - React Native Country Picker react-native-flex-label ★8 - A text label for React Native that handles multiple lines of text with ellipses truncation as well as vertical alignment within it's view container. react-native-link ★8 - A link component react...
一、react-modal 官方定义:Accessible modal dialog component for React.JS 理解: 一个容易使用的React模态框组件 二、用法 有时候我们不用一些UI框架的时候(bs3.0、antd),就需要自己封装一些模态框.自己定义各种回调事件...等等 这时候可以考虑用一个npm模态框的包 ...
一、react-modal 官方定义:Accessible modal dialog component for React.JS 理解: 一个容易使用的React模态框组件 二、用法 有时候我们不用一些UI框架的时候(bs3.0、antd),就需要自己封装一些模态框.自己定义各种回调事件...等等 这时候可以考虑用一个npm模态框的包 ...
react-modal : 模态对话框 cleave.js : 键入时格式化输入文本内容 react-fontawesome : Font Awesome 5 react-advanced-cropper : 图像裁剪 ⭐ atropos : 非常牛X的 3D 视差悬停 react-paginate : 分页 ⭐ emoji-mart : emoji 选择器 emoji-picker-react : emoji 选择器 react-date : Airbnb - 日期选...
我的模式在signUpModal.js中定义为: import React, {Component} from 'react';import Mod 浏览38提问于2020-07-08得票数 2 2回答 在项目中安装本机库时出错 、 peer react-dom@">=16.5.1" from react-native-web@0.13.18npm ERR!react-native-web@"~0.13.12" from the root project npm ERR!3...